§ 15.60.300. Term—Renewal—Modifications.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    Wastewater discharge permits shall be issued for a period of three years. Original permits may be issued for a period between two and three years for the administrative convenience of the director so as to stagger the renewal dates of the permits. Permits issued to users granted an exception pursuant to Section 15.60.180, shall be issued for a period of one year.


    Notwithstanding the foregoing, users becoming subject to a National Pretreatment Standard shall apply for new permits on the effective date of such National Pretreatment Standards. The director shall notify in writing any user whom he has cause to believe is subject to a National Pretreatment Standard of the promulgation of such federal regulations, but any failure of the director in this regard shall not relieve the user of the duty of complying with such National Pretreatment Standards.


    A user must apply in writing for a renewal permit within the period of time not more than ninety days and not less than thirty days prior to expiration of the current permit.


    Limitations or conditions of a permit are subject to modification or change due to, but not limited to, changes in applicable water quality standards, changes in Metro's NPDES permit, changes in Sections 15.60.070 and 15.60.090, the need to incorporate any new or revised federal, state, or local pretreatment requirement, changes in the user's operations and processes, violation of any terms or conditions of the user's permit, changes in the POTW that requires either a temporary or permanent reduction or elimination of the authorized discharge, to correct typographical or other errors in the user's permit, misrepresentations or failure to fully disclose relevant facts in the wastewater discharge permit application or in any required reporting, changes in other applicable law or regulation, or for other just cause; and users shall be notified of any proposed changes in their permit by the director at least thirty days prior to the effective date of the change. Any change or new condition in a permit shall include a provision for a reasonable time schedule for compliance. The user may appeal the decision of the director in regard to any changed permit conditions as otherwise provided in this chapter.

(Ord. BL2010-678 § 2, 2010; prior code § 40-1-187, Part I (k))