§ 15.60.360. Adjudicatory hearing procedures.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    The hearing authority shall schedule an adjudicatory hearing to resolve disputed questions of fact and law whenever provided by any provision of this title.


    At any such hearing, all testimony presented shall be under oath or upon solemn affirmation in lieu of oath. The hearing authority shall make a record of such hearing, but the same need not be a verbatim record. Any party coming before the authority shall have the right to have such hearing recorded, but in such event the record need not be transcribed unless any party seeks judicial review of the order or action of the hearing authority by common law writ of certiorari; and in such event the party seeking such judicial review shall pay for the transcription and provide the hearing authority with the original of the transcript so that it may be certified to the court.


    The chairman may issue subpoenas requiring attendance and testimony of witnesses or the production of evidence, or both. A request for issuance of a subpoena shall be made by lodging with the chairman at least ten days prior to the scheduled hearing date a written request for a subpoena setting forth the name and address of the party to be subpoenaed, and identifying any evidence to be produced. Upon endorsement of a subpoena by the chairman, the same shall be delivered to the sheriff's office for service by any authorized officer of the metropolitan government. If the witness does not reside in the metropolitan area, the chairman shall issue a written request that the witness attend the hearing.


    Upon agreement of all parties, the testimony of any person may be taken by deposition or written interrogatories. Unless otherwise agreed, the deposition shall be taken in a manner consistent with Rules 26 through 33 of the Tennessee Rules of Civil Procedure, with the chairman to rule on such matters as would require a ruling by the court under such rules.


    The party at such hearing bearing the affirmative burden of proof shall first call his witnesses, to be followed by witnesses called by other parties, to be followed by any witnesses which the authority may desire to call. Rebuttal witnesses shall be called in the same order. The chairman shall rule on any evidentiary questions arising during such hearing and shall make such other rulings as shall be necessary or advisable to facilitate an orderly hearing subject to approval of the hearing authority. The hearing authority, the director, or his representative, and all parties shall have the right to examine any witness. When sitting without an administrative law judge, the hearing authority shall not be bound by or limited to rules of evidence applicable to legal proceedings or the Uniform Administrative Procedures Act.


    Any person aggrieved by any order or determination of the director may appeal such order or determination for review by the hearing authority. A written notice of appeal shall be filed with the director, and the notice shall set forth with particularity the action or inaction of the director complained of and the relief being sought by the person filing the appeal. A special meeting of the hearing authority may be called by the chairman upon the filing of such appeal, and the hearing authority may in its discretion suspend the operation of the order or determination of the director appealed from until such time as the authority has acted upon the appeal. However, actions and determinations of the director under the provisions of Sections 15.60.410 through 15.60.440 shall not be subject to review under this section.


    Within ten days of filing of an appeal, any party may request that an administrative law judge be appointed to conduct the hearing together with the hearing authority pursuant to Tennessee Code Annotated Section 7-7-105. Any hearing conducted by an administrative law judge shall be heard pursuant to the contested case provisions of the Uniform Administrative Procedures Act, Tennessee Code Annotated Section 4-5-301, et seq.


    The vice-chairman or the chairman pro tem shall possess all the authority delegated to the chairman by this section when acting in his absence or in his stead.


    Any person aggrieved by any final order of the hearing authority hereunder may seek judicial review by common law writ of certiorari.

(Ord. BL2010-678 § 2, 2010; Ord. 97-729 § 3 (part), 1997)