§ 15.60.400. Show-cause hearing before Metro wastewater hearing authority.  

Latest version.
  • The director may issue a show-cause notice to any permit holder directing that he appear before the hearing authority at a specified date and time to show cause why the permit holder's wastewater discharge permit should not be modified, suspended or revoked for causing or suffering violation of this title, or other applicable law or regulation, or conditions in the wastewater discharge permit of the user. If the director seeks to modify the wastewater discharge permit to establish wastewater strength limitations or other control techniques to prevent future violations, he shall notify the permit holder of the general nature of the recommendations he shall make to the hearing authority. If the director seeks to suspend or revoke the wastewater discharge permit, he shall notify the permit holder of the nature of the violation for which revocation or suspension is sought with sufficient specificity as to the character of the violation and the dates at which such violation occurred to enable the permit holder to prepare his defense. Such notice shall be mailed to the permit holder by certified mail, return receipt requested, or shall be personally delivered to the permit holder at least twenty days prior to the scheduled hearing date.

(Ord. BL2010-678 § 2, 2010; Ord. 97-729 § 3 (part), 1997)