§ 16.04.090. Registration and bond required when.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    It shall be the duty of every person who shall make contracts for the construction, erection, alteration, repair, removal or demolition of any building or structure or part thereof; or repair or replacement of any damage to a building or structure caused by insects or natural disasters; or to erect or construct any sign, billboard or similar structure, or to construct any public or private swimming pool; or to do or perform any work for which a permit is required (and every such person, making such contracts or subletting the same or any part thereof) to register with the department of codes administration and to post a permit bond in the amount set forth herein.


    1. For building permits under twenty-five thousand dollars, the bond amount shall be ten thousand dollars.


    For all building permits of twenty-five thousand dollars and larger, the bond amount shall be forty thousand dollars.


    The bond required by this section shall be a permit bond conditioned to conform to the requirements of this chapter and all applicable laws, ordinances, rules, and regulations of the metropolitan government relating to work which is performed by the principal pursuant to a permit issued under this bond, or for work performed by the principal for which a permit should have been obtained prior to commencement of such activity; and to indemnify the metropolitan government and property owners against any and all loss suffered by them by reason of the failure of such contractor to comply with such laws, ordinances, rules and regulations. Such bond shall be continuous and may not be canceled without at least ten days' prior notice, in writing, to the director of codes administration. The liability of the surety shall continue to attach to work performed pursuant to any permit issued prior to the termination date of the bond even if the noncomplying act should occur after the termination date of the bond. The liability of the surety for any and all claims, suits or action under this bond shall not exceed the bond penalty. Regardless of the number of years this bond may remain in force, the liability of the surety shall not be cumulative and the aggregate liability of the surety for any and all claims, suits or actions under this bond shall not exceed the face amount. The bond shall be issued by a U.S. Treasury-listed corporate surety or a Tennessee domestic insurance company on forms provided by the department of codes administration.


    It shall be the duty of every person, firm or corporation desiring to register with the department of codes administration under this section to secure the required contractor's privilege license for Davidson County.


    Moving of Building or Structures. It shall be the duty of every person desiring to move any building or structure where such necessitates the transportation of such building or structure in public rights-of-way or on public streets, to register with the department of codes administration and to post good and sufficient bond in the amount of forty thousand dollars as required by Section 16.04.090(C); except that persons moving temporary construction office sheds, mobile or modular homes, house trailers, and storage buildings ten feet or less in width are not required to post bond.


    It shall be the duty of every person desiring to move any building or structure where such necessitates the transportation of such building or structure in public rights-of-way or on public streets to furnish to the department of codes administration a certificate of general liability insurance issued by a Tennessee-licensed company which provides a minimum of three hundred thousand dollars per occurrence with combined single limit bodily injury and property damage coverage. The certificate of insurance may not be canceled without at least thirty days' prior notice, in writing, to the director of codes administration.


    Bonds required by Sections 6.20.150, 6.52.140, 6.52.220, 13.20.030, 16.04.090 and 16.16.780 presently on file with the department of codes administration or the metropolitan clerk's office shall remain in effect until the 1995 anniversary date of the bond. Contractors with multiple trades may provide one forty-thousand dollar bond to meet the requirements of the above code sections. The new bond form will be required on the first 1995 renewal date.

(Ord. 94-1226 § 5, 1994)