§ 16.16.240. Local amendments to International Fuel Gas Code.  

Latest version.
  • The following amendments, deletions, or additions to the 2012 Edition of the International Fuel Gas Code are adopted by reference, as fully as though copied into such Gas Code, and thereby made a part of the Gas Code.


    Section 101.1 of the 2012 Edition of the International Fuel Gas Code is hereby amended by deleting Section 101.1 in its entirety.


    Section 201 of the 2012 Edition of the International Fuel Gas Code is hereby amended by adding a new section 201.5 and substituting the following:

    201.5 Interchangeability with the International Codes. The International Building Code shall be construed to mean the 2012 International Building Code. The International Property Maintenance Code shall be construed to mean the Property Internationals Code of the Metropolitan Government. The International Mechanical Code shall be construed to mean the 2012 International Mechanical Code. The International Fuel Gas Code shall be construed to mean the 2012 International Gas Code. The International Plumbing Code shall be construed to mean the 2012 International Plumbing Code. The International Private Sewage Disposal Code shall be construed to mean the Subsurface Sewage Disposal Systems Code. The ICC Electrical Code shall be construed to mean the 2011 National Electrical Code.


    Section 202 of the 2012 Edition of the International Fuel Gas Code is hereby amended by adding the following new definition as follows:

    ADMINISTRATIVE AUTHORITY — shall mean the Director of the Metropolitan Department of Codes Administration, his deputy or duly authorized representative.

    GAS OFFICIAL — shall mean the Director of the Metropolitan Department of Codes Administration, his deputy or duly authorized representative.


    Section 202 of the 2012 Edition of the International Fuel Gas Code is hereby amended by deleting the definition of "Code Official" and substituting the following:

    CODE OFFICIAL — shall mean the Director of the Metropolitan Department of Codes Administration, his deputy or duly authorized representative.


    Section 304.6.2 and Figure 304.6.2 of the 2012 Edition of the International Fuel Gas Code are hereby amended by deleting the section and figure in their entirety.


    Section 402.6(1) of the 2012 Edition of the International Fuel Gas Code is hereby amended by deleting Section 402.6(2) and substituting the following:


    The piping system may be threaded. Piping system over 5 psig shall be welded.


    Section 404.4 of the 2012 Edition of the International Gas Code is hereby amended by deleting Section 404.4 and substituting the following:

    404.4. Piping in solid partitions and walls. This provision shall not apply to tubing which pierces walls, floors, or partitions. Tubing shall not be run horizontally inside hollow walls or partitions unless protected along its full concealed length against physical damage. Tubing may be run vertically inside hollow walls or partitions without protection along its entire concealed length provided and the tubing is not rigidly secured.


    Section 404 of the 2012 Edition of the International Fuel Gas Code is hereby amended by adding a new section 404.11.3 as follows:

    404.11.3. Catholic protection shall be required on metallic gas piping installed underground. The following chart may be used to determine requirement for anodes as to size and number required:

    Coated Pipe
    Anode Spacing In Feet

    ¾″  1″  2″  3″ 
    1# 809' 643' 352' 238'
    5# 1079' 857' 470' 317'
    17# 1798' 1428' 783' 528'


    Exception: Coated and wrapped metallic gas piping run underground that does not exceed thirty (30) feet in length shall not require additional catholic protection.


    Section 404.12 of the 2012 Edition of the International Fuel Gas Code is hereby amended by deleting Section 404.12 and substituting the following:

    404.12 Minimum burial depth and clearances. Underground piping systems shall be installed a minimum depth of 18 inches (458 mm) below grade, except as provided for in 404.12.1.


    Section 404.12 of the 2012 Edition of the International Fuel Gas Code is hereby amended by adding a new Sections 404.12.2, 404.12.3, 404.12.4 and 404.12.5 as follows:

    404.12.1 Clearances. No gas piping shall be placed underground closer than eight (8) inches from a water pipe, sewer line, or any other utility service line. Underground gas piping shall be installed with enough clearance from any other underground structure to avoid contact therewith, to allow proper maintenance, and to protect against damage that might result from proximity to other structures. In addition, underground plastic piping shall be installed with sufficient clearance, or shall be insulated, from a source of heat so as to prevent the heat from impairing the serviceability of the pipe.

    404.12.3. Protection against damage. Where soil conditions are unstable and settling of piping or foundation walls or heavy vehicular traffic may occur, adequate measures shall be provided to prevent excessive stressing of the piping. Piping shall be buried a sufficient depth or covered in a manner so as to protect the piping from physical damage.

    404.12.4. Cover Requirements. Underground piping systems shall be installed with at least eighteen (18) inches of cover. The cover may be reduced to twelve (12) inches if external damage to the pipe is not likely to result. If minimum of twelve (12) inches of cover cannot be maintained, the pipe shall be installed in conduit or bridged (shielded).

    404.12.5. Separate Ditch for Gas Piping. The laying or installing of gas piping in the same ditch with water, sewer, drainage pipe or any other utility service line is prohibited except when approved by the administrative authority.


    Section 404.13 of the 2012 Edition of the International Fuel Gas Code is hereby amended by deleting Section 404.13 and substituting the following:

    404.13 Trenches. The trench shall be graded so that the pipe has a firm, substantially continuous bearing on the bottom of the trench. Where flooding of the trench is done to consolidate the backfill, care shall be exercised to see that the pipe is not floated from its firm bearing on the trench bottom.


    Section 404.17.1 of the 2012 Edition of the International Fuel Gas Code is hereby amended by adding Section 404.17.1 Exception 4.


    Plastic piping shall not be used for consumer's gas piping when operating pressures are in excess of 2 psi, unless approved by the Director of Codes Administration or his duly authorized representative.


    Section 406.2 of the 2012 Edition of the International Fuel Gas Code is hereby amended by deleting Section 406.2 and substituting the following:

    406.2 Test medium. The test medium shall be air, nitrogen, or carbon dioxide or an inert gas. Oxygen shall not be used. Fuel gas may be used in piping systems operating at pressures of one half (½) pound per square inch or less.


    Section 406.4 of the 2012 Edition of the International Fuel Gas Code is hereby amended by deleting Sections 406.4.1 and 406.4.2 and substituting the following:

    406.4.1. Method of Testing. Low pressure (not in excess of 0.5 psi) gas piping shall withstand a pressure of at least 10.0 psi for a period of not less than twenty (20) minutes without showing any drop in pressure. For 2 psi or higher pressure piping must stand a pressure of at least 20 psi, but never less than ten (10) times the maximum pressure to which the piping will be subjected in operation, for a period of not less than twenty (20) minutes without showing any drop in pressure. An overnight test of larger piping systems may be required. The test shall be verified in writing on forms authorized by the Department of Codes Administration witnessed and signed. Retest or additional certification, in special situations, may be required by the Director of Codes Administration or by his/her duly authorized representative. Necessary apparatus for conducting the test shall be furnished by the permit holder.


    Section 410.1 of the 2012 Edition of the International Fuel Gas Code is hereby amended by adding Section 410.1 and 410.1.2. as follows:

    410.1.1. Shutoff value. An accessible gas shutoff valve shall be provided upstream of each gas pressure regulator. Where two gas pressure regulators are installed in series in a single gas line, a manual valve is not required at the second regulator.

    410.1.2 Venting of Pressure Regulators. A vent line(s) from a gas appliance pressure regulator and a bleed line(s) from a diaphragm type valve shall not be connected to a common manifold terminating in a combustion chamber. Vent lines shall not terminate in positive pressure type combustion chambers.


    Chapter 4 of the 2012 Edition of the International Fuel Gas Code is hereby amended by adding a new Section 417 as follows:

    Section 417
    2# PSI Piping System.

    417.1 General. 2 psi gas piping systems designed in accordance with this section and other requirements of this code are intended for use where the building service regulator has been set to deliver gas at 2 psi. Piping systems shall be designed to allow a maximum pressure drop of one and one half (1½) psi between the meter and the regulator that reduces the pressure to seven (7) inch w.c. Piping systems shall be further designed to allow up to one (1) inch w.c. pressure drop between the above first cut regulator and the appliance or the appliance regulator if used.

    417.2 Gas Piping Materials. All piping shall be metallic material only, and comply with 403. Piping installed for 2 psi pressure shall be (1) type L copper tubing, (2) refrigeration service tubing having a wall thickness of not less than .030", (3) corrugated stainless steel conduit, (4) iron pipe. All piping and tubing shall be sized so as to not exceed the capacities shown on tables 1003A, 1003B, or 1003C. Iron pipe already in service may be retained. Aluminum tubing will not be installed or used for this service. All horizontal tubing shall be supported at approximately four (4) foot intervals.

    417.3 Marking. All piping in the 2 psi portion of the system shall be marked at the beginning, all ends with a metal tag stating "2 psi." All such tubing or piping must also be marked at intervals not to exceed six (6) feet with approved means of identification designating 2 psi gas pressure.

    417.4 Piping in Partitions. When copper tubing is installed in a hollow partition in a new piping installation, a metallic sleeve, or equivalent means, shall be used to protect the tubing where it passes through a wood plate or other structural member of the wall. The sleeve, if used, shall extend at least four (4) inches on either side of the structural member in the partition. Iron pipe may be used for the sleeve. The ends must be reamed to avoid sharp edges which may come in contact with copper tubing. Tubing in the partition shall have some slack. Concealed tubing joints are prohibited.

    417.5 General Piping. All fuel lines from the meter shall pass through the foundation with iron pipe, then a pipe to flare adapter may be installed for the copper tubing. In such case that the piping system cannot pass through the foundation, iron pipe will run from the meter to the outside wall of structure and attach with suitable pipe straps then adapt to copper tubing. Installation procedures must guard against dirt, tubing cutting chips, or other material entering the fuel line. Blow out lines before connecting and testing.

    417.6 Joints and Fittings, Tubing. All joints and fittings in 2 psi tubing shall be made with International SAE heavy duty short shoulder flare fittings having a forty-five (45) degree flare. All joints and fittings in 2 psi corrugated stainless steel conduit shall be made with approved fitting design for that system. Brazed or silver soldered joints made with an alloy having a melting temperature in excess of 1000 degrees Fahrenheit are permitted. Soft solder joints are not permitted. All joints in existing copper tubing must be inspected and tested before being used for 2 psi service. All soft solder joints will be replaced with a flare fitting or with a silver solder joint. All bends should be smooth without any binds in tubing. Bending springs or tubing benders should be used.

    417.7 MP Regulators. MP pressure regulators installed in the 2 psi portions of the piping shall comply with the following provisions:

    417.7.1 The MP regulator shall comply with Sections 402.1 and 402.13 and shall be stated by its manufacturer as being suitable for the inlet and outlet gas pressures for which it is to be used.

    417.7.2. The MP regulator shall maintain a reduced outlet pressure under lock-up (no flow) conditions and shall be so installed on the piping system that they cannot be concealed by building construction.

    417.7.3. The capacity of the MP regulator, determined by published ratings of its manufacturer, shall be adequate to supply the appliances served by it.

    417.7.4. The MP pressure regulator shall be accessible for servicing and may be located either indoors or outdoors. When located indoors, the regulator shall be vented to outdoors or equipped with a vent limiting device, in either case complying with Section 410.3.

    417.7.5. The service regulator shall be set to deliver 2 psi, with flow of 30 CFH, after which the adjusting cap shall be sealed with a copper wire and lead seal. The regulator will be marked with a red cap and a metal tag stating 2 psi attached. The gas meter will be installed with a Red index indicating 2 psi system.

    417.8 The regulator which reduces the pressure from 2 psi to seven (7) inch w.c. shall be located as close as practical to the appliance which it serves. This regulator must be installed where it cannot be concealed by building construction. The 2 psi to seven (7) inch w.c. regulator must be vented to the outside atmosphere or must be equipped with a vent limiter device. When installed for one appliance only, the preferred location of the regulator and its shut off cock is above the floor level and immediately adjacent to the appliance it serves.

    417.9 Appliance regulators, when used, may be installed on or adjacent to the appliance manifold. Appliance regulators are not required on manually operated room heaters, ranges or similar appliances not equipped with a pilot. A pipe nipple at least six (6) inches long, or equivalent tubing, must be installed between the 2 psi to seven (7) inch w.c. regulator and the appliance regulator. Existing appliance regulator shall be retained on any appliance, unless defective.

    417.10 Manual Shutoff Valve. Where there is more than one MP regulator in the complete piping system served by one meter, a listed shutoff valve shall be installed immediately ahead of each MP regulator. A listed shutoff valve shall be installed ahead of each 2 psi to seven (7) inch w.c. regulator. Individual runs of tubing may be made to each appliance from a manifold. The cocks may be at the manifold, but they must be easily accessible, and identified as to the appliance served.


    Section 502 of the 2012 Edition of the International Fuel Gas Code is hereby amended by adding a new Section 502.8 as follows:

    502.8 Marking.

    502.8.1 In those localities where solid and liquid fuels are used extensively, gas vents shall be plainly and permanently identified by a label attached to the wall or ceiling at a point where the vent connector enters the gas vent.

    502.8.2 The label shall read: This gas vent is for appliances which burn gas. Do not connect to solid or liquid fuel-burning appliances or incinerators.

    502.8.3 The authority having jurisdiction shall determine whether its area constitutes such a locality.


    Section 503.1 of the 2012 Edition of the International Fuel Gas Code is hereby amended by adding a new Sections 503.1.1 and 503.1.2 as follows:

    503.1.1 Equipment Not required to be Vented.


    Listed ranges.


    Built-in domestic cooking units listed and marked for optional venting.


    Listed hot plates and listed laundry stoves.


    Listed Infrared Radiant heaters (see Section 516.1.1).


    A single listed booster type (automatic instantaneous) water heater, when designed and used solely for the sanitizing rinse requirements of a National Sanitation Foundation Class 1, 2, or 3 dishwashing machine, provided that the input is limited to 50,000 Btu per hour, the storage capacity is limited to 12.5 gallons, and the heater is installed, with the draft hood in place and unaltered, in a commercial kitchen having a mechanical exhaust system. When installed in this manner, the draft hood outlet shall not be less than thirty-six (36) inches vertically and six (6) inches horizontally from any surface other than the heater.


    Listed refrigerators.


    Counter appliances.


    Room heaters listed for unvented use shall not be installed in bathrooms or bedrooms and in institutions such as homes for the aged, sanitariums, convalescent homes, orphanages, etc.


    Direct gas-fired make-up air heaters.


    Other equipment listed for unvented use and not provided with flue collars.


    Specialized equipment of limited input such as laboratory burners or gas lights.

    503.1.2. When any or all of this equipment is installed so the aggregate input rating exceeds 20 Btu per hour per cubic foot of room or space in which it is installed, one or more shall be provided with venting systems or other approved means for removing the vent gases to the outside atmosphere so the aggregate input rating of the remaining unvented equipment does not exceed the 20 Btu per hour per cubic foot figure. When the room or space in which the equipment is installed is directly connected to another room or space by a doorway, archway, or other opening of comparable size which cannot be closed, the volume of such adjacent room or space may be included in the calculations.


    Section 602 of the 2012 Edition of the International Fuel Gas Code is hereby amended by adding the following new Section 602.4:

    602.4 Installations requirements. A decorative appliance for installation in a vented fireplace shall be installed only in a vented fireplace having a working chimney flue and constructed of noncombustible materials. These appliances shall not be thermostatically controlled.


    A listed decorative appliance for installation in a vented fireplace shall be installed in accordance with its listing and the manufacturer's instructions.


    An unlisted decorative appliance for installation in a vented fireplace shall be installed in a fireplace having a permanent free opening, based on appliance input rating and chimney height, equal to or greater than that specified in Table 634.1


    Section 624.1.1 of the 2012 Edition of the International Fuel Gas Code is hereby amended by deleting Section 624.1.1 substituting the following and adding Sections 624.1.2 and 624.1.3:

    624.1.1 Installation requirement. Water heaters other than the direct vent type shall be located as close as practicable to the chimney or gas vent. They should be so located as to provide short runs of water piping to the water heaters.

    624.1.2 All gas water heaters installed in attics, on combustible floors or in remote locations shall rest in pans of minimum 0.0276-inch (24 ga.) galvanized sheet steel or equivalent with minimum depth of two (2) inches and shall have a minimum clearance from the water heater of two (2) inches on all sides: the pan shall be a sufficient size to receive all drippings or condensation from such water heaters. All drain pans shall have a minimum one (1) inch drain. No plastic pans will be permitted (See Section 504.7 of the International Plumbing Code for other safety pan requirements).

    Exception: Water heaters shall not be located in unheated and un-insulated spaces except in unheated basements, garages or crawl spaces.

(Ord. BL2015-1145 § 16, 2015; Ord. BL2007-1390 § 11, 2007; Ord. BL2002-1142 § 20, 2002; Ord. 98-1445 §§ 58—68, 1998; Ord. 95-1487 §§ 59—83, 1995; Ord. 92-118 §§ 15,16, 1992; Ord. 90-1253 § 1 (part), 1990; prior code § 19-1-41.3)