§ 16.16.350. Registration as metropolitan master contractor required—Exception.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    A permit to install, enlarge, alter, move, improve, convert or replace any gas system or mechanical system, or cause the same to be done shall not be issued to any person, firm or corporation unless such person, firm or corporation has been duly registered by the department of codes administration as a metropolitan master mechanical, HVAC&R or gas and appliance contractor except as provided below:


    The director of codes administration or his duly authorized representative shall be authorized to issue "homeowner permits" to property owners desiring to make mechanical repairs and/or additions to their property or improvements thereto. Homeowner permits shall be issued only if the applicant meets the conditions of Section 16.16.070.

(Ord. 90-1253 § 1 (part), 1990; prior code § 19-1-56)