§ 16.20.110. Hazardous installations—Abatement—Condemnation—Discontinuance of service.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    Abatement. All electrical installations or electrical systems which are unsafe, which are dangerous to human life or which, in relation to existing or contemplated use, constitute a hazard to the safety or general welfare of the community, by reason of improper installation, inadequate maintenance, obsolescence or abandonment are declared to be illegal, and shall be abated by repair, replacement or removal.


    Condemnation. All electrical installations and electrical systems and all devices, equipment, appliances, fixtures and appurtenances used for electrical purposes, which at any time become defective so as to be likely to cause fires or accidents and endanger lives or property, shall be condemned. When the director of codes administration or his duly authorized representative finds that it is necessary to condemn any electrical installation or equipment, notice shall be given the owner or user of such to have the same repaired and put in safe condition or removed from the premises. Upon failure to comply with such notice, the electrical inspector is authorized and directed to disconnect such wiring or equipment from the source of electrical energy or cause the same to be done.


    Notice to Discontinue Service. Upon condemnation of any defective electrical installation or equipment, the director of codes administration or his duly authorized representative shall give notice to the public utility or person furnishing electric current to such defective installation or equipment to cease to supply current to the same until a written release is issued by the department of codes administration allowing current to be supplied or restored.


    Failure to Discontinue Service. It is unlawful for a public utility or any other person to furnish or connect electric current to any electrical installation or system or to any electrical device, equipment, appliance, fixture or appurtenance which has been condemned and disconnected or in any manner rendered inoperative by an electrical inspector, or to use such wiring or equipment as a part of any electrical system until the same has been repaired, inspected and released by the electrical inspector.

(Prior code § 14-1-9)