§ 17.12.020. District Bulk Tables.  

Latest version.
  • The bulk standards of this code are established by the District Bulk Tables of this section. The standards contained in these tables apply uniformly to all uses within the same zoning district classification, with the exception of uses that are permitted with conditions (PC), as special exceptions (SE) in the district land use table of Section 17.08.030 or as provided in the Downtown Code (Chapter 17.37), which may have higher standards. Alternative standards may be imposed by any planned unit development, historic or urban design overlay district as long as the standards are consistent with the purpose and intent of the overlay district.


    District Bulk Table 17.12.020A establishes the bulk requirements for one-family and two-family dwellings in residential districts.


    District Bulk Table 17.12.020B establishes the bulk requirements for multifamily and nonresidential structures in residential districts.


    District Bulk Table 17.12.020C establishes the bulk requirements for all structures in AG, mixed-use and nonresidential districts.


    District Bulk Table 17.12.020D establishes the bulk requirements for all structures in the alternative zoning districts for multi-family, mixed-use, office and commercial.

    (Ord. BL2017-684 § 1, 2017; Ord. BL2015-1153 §§ 4, 12, 13, 15, 2015; Ord. BL2014-770 § 2, 2014; Ord. BL2013-567 § 1, 2013; Amdt. 1 to Ord. BL2012-183 §§ 1, 3, 2012; Ord. BL2012-183 §§ 1—3, 2012; Ord. BL2011-27 § 1, 2011; Ord. BL2011-898 §§ 7, 11, 2011; Ord. BL2009-586 § 1(Exh. A, §§ 10—14), 2010; Amdt. 1 to Ord. BL2006-1047, § 1, 2006; Ord. BL2006-1047 § 1, 2006; Ord. BL2006-971 §§ 2, 4, 2006; Ord. BL2005-762 § 4, 2005; Amdt. 2 to Ord. BL2005-712, 2005; Amdt. 1 to Ord. BL2005-712, 2005; Ord. BL2005-712 § 1, 2005; Ord. 2002-1010 § 1, 2002; Ord. BL2001-675 § 1 (part), 2001; Ord. BL2000-364 § 1 (part), 2000; Ord. 99-1641 § 1, 1999; Amdt. 1 with Ord. 99-1617 § 1, 1999; Ord. 99-1615 § 1 (part), 1999; Ord. 98-1268 § 1 (part), 1998; § 1(5), (6) of Amdt. 1 with Ord. 96-555 § 3.2, 1997)

    Table 17.12.020A

    Lot Area
    (in sq. ft.)
    Minimum Rear
    (in ft.)
    Minimum Side
    (in ft.)
    AG 5 acres 0.20 20 20 3 stories
    AR2a 2 acres 0.20 20 20 3 stories
    RS80, R80 80,000 0.20 20 20 3 stories
    RS40, R40 40,000 0.25 20 15 3 stories
    RS30, R30 30,000 0.30 20 15 3 stories
    RS20, R20 20,000 0.35 20 10 3 stories
    RS15, R15 15,000 0.35 20 10 3 stories
    RS10, R10 10,000 0.40 20 5 3 stories
    R8, R8-A 8,000 0.45 20 5 3 stories
    RS7.5, RS7.5-A 7,500 0.45 20 5 3 stories
    R6, R6-A 6,000 0.50 20 5 3 stories
    RS5, RS5-A 5,000 0.50 20 5 3 stories
    RS3.75, RS3.75-A, OR40 3,750 0.60 20 3 3 stories
    RM2 20,000 0.35 20 15 3 stories
    RM4 10,000 0.40 20 10 3 stories
    RM6 6,000 0.50 20 10 3 stories
    RM9, RM9-A 5,000 0.50 20 5 3 stories
    RM15, RM15-A 5,000 0.50 20 5 3 stories
    RM20, RM20-A, OR20, OR20-A 3,750 0.60 20 5 3 stories
    RM40, RM40-A, RM60, I, MUN, MUN-A, MUL, MUL-A, MUG, MUG-A, MUI, MUI-A, ON, OR40, OR40-A, ORI, ORI-A 3,750 0.60 20 3 3 stories
    DTC See Chapter 17.37 See Chapter 17.37 See Chapter 17.37 See Chapter 17.37 See Chapter 17.37


    Note 1:  For all zoning districts permitting multi-family uses, the rear and side setbacks for single-family cottage developments shall be a minimum of three feet. This note shall not apply to the DTC district.

    Note 2:  When a right-of-way dedication is required for an existing lot or parcel along an existing street that meets the minimum lot area or could be subdivided into two or more lots that would each meet the minimum lot area for the zoning district prior to the dedication of right-of-way, the minimum lot area shall be considered to be the area prior to the dedication. The newly created lots shall meet all other bulk standards of the Zoning Code based on the dimensions after the dedication of the right-of-way.

    Note 3:  Single-family and two-family dwellings in the RM9-A, RM15-A, RM20-A, RM40-A, OR20-A, OR40-A, ORI-A, MUN-A, MUL-A, MUG-A and MUI-A shall use the build-to zone standards listed in Table 17.12.020D.

    Note 4:  In addition to the height restrictions in [Section] 17.12.060, the height of two detached dwelling units on a single lot cannot exceed a ratio of 1.0 horizontal to 1.5 vertical for each structure. Maximum height shall be measured from the natural grade. The natural grade shall be determined based on the average elevation of most exterior corners of the front facade, to the roof line. Natural grade is the base ground elevation prior to grading. The appropriate height shall be determined by the Metro Historic Zoning Commission for properties within a historic overlay. Notwithstanding the above provisions, two-family structures legally constructed prior to the effective date of this ordinance may remove the connector required under the previous definition of two-family, regardless of the height of the units.

    Note 5:  In RS3.75-A, RS5-A, RS7.5-A, R6-A and R8-A districts, the following standards shall apply:

    a. Access and Driveways.

    1. Where existing, access shall be from an improved alley only. Where no improved alley exists, one driveway within the street setback may be permitted.

    2. For a corner lot, the driveway shall be located within thirty feet of the rear property line.

    3. Parking, driveways and all other impervious surfaces in the required street setback shall not exceed twelve feet in width.

    b. Garages.

    1. Detached. The front of any detached garage shall be located behind the rear of the primary structure. The garage door of a detached garage may face the street.

    2. Attached. The garage door shall face the side or rear property line.

    c. A minimum raised foundation of 18—36" is required.

    Table 17.12.020B

    Min. Lot
    (sq. ft.)
    per acre)
    Min. Rear
    (in ft.)
    Min. Side
    (in ft.)
    Max. Height
    at Setback
    Line (in ft.)
    Slope of
    (V to H)
    AG 5 acres Doesn't apply 0.40 0.60 20 30 20 2 to 1
    AR2a 2 acres Doesn't apply 0.40 0.60 20 30 20 2 to 1
    RS80, R80 80,000 Doesn't apply 0.40 0.60 20 30 20 2 to 1
    RS40, R40 40,000 Doesn't apply 0.40 0.60 20 25 20 2 to 1
    RS30, R30 30,000 Doesn't apply 0.40 0.60 20 25 20 2 to 1
    RS20, R20 20,000 Doesn't apply 0.40 0.60 20 20 20 2 to 1
    RS15, R15 15,000 Doesn't apply 0.40 0.60 20 20 20 2 to 1
    RS10, R10 10,000 Doesn't apply 0.40 0.60 20 15 20 2 to 1
    R8, R8-A 8,000 Doesn't apply 0.50 0.70 20 15 20 2 to 1
    RS7.5, RS7.5-A 7,500 Doesn't apply 0.50 0.70 20 15 20 2 to 1
    R6, R6-A 6,000 Doesn't apply 0.60 0.70 20 15 20 2 to 1
    RS5, RS5-A 5,000 Doesn't apply 0.60 0.70 20 15 20 2 to 1
    RS3.75, RS3.75-A 3,750 Doesn't apply 0.60 0.70 20 15 20 2 to 1
    RM2 66,000 2 0.40 0.60 20 20
    See Note 3
    20 2 to 1
    RM4 33,000 4 0.40 0.60 20 10
    See Note 3
    20 2 to 1
    RM6 22,000 6 0.60 0.70 20 10
    See Note 3
    20 2 to 1
    RM9 15,000 9 0.60 0.70 20 10
    See Note 3
    20 2 to 1
    RM15 10,000 15 0.75
    See Note 2
    0.70 20 10
    See Note 3
    20 2 to 1
    RM20, OR20 7,500 20 0.80
    See Note 2
    0.70 20 5
    See Note 3
    30 2 to 1
    RM40, OR40 6,000 40 1.00
    See Note 2
    0.75 20 5
    See Note 3
    45 2 to 1
    RM60 6,000 60 1.25
    See Note 2
    0.80 20 5
    See Note 3
    65 1.5 to 1
    MHP 2.0 acres 9 See Ch. 17.16 See Ch. 17.16 See Ch. 17.16 See Ch. 17.16 See Ch. 17.16 No plane
    DTC See Ch. 17.37 See Ch. 17.37 See Ch. 17.37 See Ch. 17.37 See Ch. 17.37 See Ch. 17.37 See Ch. 17.37 See Ch. 17.37


    Note 1:  Street setbacks are listed in Table 17.12.030A and 17.12.030B.

    Note 2:  No maximum FAR applies to multifamily developments in the RM15, RM20, RM40, RM60, OR20 or OR40 districts.

    Note 3:  Within the urban zoning overlay district, any attached townhomes or rowhouses with alley access to required off-street parking, may have a zero-foot side setback (1) on internal lot lines between units, or (2) where the side of a unit is adjacent to an area having a minimum width of ten feet that is shown on the final site plan as an open space area or a required landscape buffer yard, provided that each unit has a private yard and no more than eight units are contained in any single-structure. This note shall not apply to the DTC district.

    Note 4:  [Reserved.]

    Note 5:  [Reserved.]

    Note 6:  Within the urban zoning overlay district, any proposed development that does not meet the setback standards within this table may apply for a special exception as provided for in Sections 17.12.035.A and 17.12.035.D. This note shall not apply to the DTC district.

    Note 7:  When a right-of-way dedication is required for an existing lot or parcel along an existing street that could be subdivided into two or more lots that would each meet the minimum lot requirements for the zoning district prior to the dedication of right-of-way, the minimum lot area shall be considered to be the area prior to the dedication. The newly created lots shall meet all other bulk standards of the Zoning Code based on the dimensions after the dedication of the right-of-way.

    Note 8:  In RS3.75-A, RS5-A, RS7.5-A, R6-A and R8A districts, the following standards shall apply:

    a. Access and Driveways.

    1. Where existing, access shall be from an improved alley only. Where no improved alley exists, one driveway within the street setback may be permitted.

    2. For a corner lot, the driveway shall be located within thirty feet of the rear property line.

    3. Parking, driveways and all other impervious surfaces in the required street setback shall not exceed twelve feet in width.

    b. Garages.

    1. Detached. The front of any detached garage shall be located behind the rear of the primary structure. The garage door of a detached garage may face the street.

    2. Attached. The garage door shall face the side or rear property line.

    c. A minimum raised foundation of 18—36" is required.

    Table 17.12.020B.1

    Lot Area
    (sq. ft.)
    Rear Setback
    Side Setback
    RM2, RM4, RM6, RM9, RM9-A 2,800 5 0 common wall
    5 end unit
    3 stories
    RM15, RM15-A 1,800 5 0 common wall
    5 end unit
    3 stories
    RM20, RM20-A, OR20, OR20-A, OR40, OR40-A, ORI, ORI-A, MUN, MUN-A, MUL, MUL-A, MUG, MUG-A, MUI, MUI-A, RM40, RM40-A, RM60, RM60-A, RM80-A, RM100-A 1,500 5 0 common wall
    5 end unit
    3 stories
    DTC See Chapter 17.37 See Chapter 17.37 See Chapter 17.37 See Chapter 17.37


    Table 17.12.020C

    Min. Lot
    Max. FAR Max. ISR Min. Rear
    (in ft.)
    Min. Side
    (in ft.)
    Max. Height
    at Setback Line (in ft. or stories)
    Slope of Height
    Control Plane
    (V to H)
    SP See Note 5 See Note 5 See Note 5 See Note 5 See Note 5 See Note 5 See Note 5
    MUN None 0.60
    See Note 2
    0.80 20 None req. 3 stories to a maximum of 45 ft. 3 stories max.
    MUL None 1.00
    See Note 2
    0.90 20 None req. 3 stories to a maximum of 45 ft. 1.5 to 1
    MUG None 3.00
    See Note 2
    0.90 20 None req. 5 stories to a maximum of 75 ft. 1.5 to 1
    MUI None 5.00
    See note 2
    1.00 None req. None req. 7 stories to a maximum of 105 ft. 1.5 to 1
    ON None 0.40 0.60 20 5 20 20 ft. max.
    OL None 0.75 0.70 20 5 30 1.5 to 1
    OG None 1.50 0.80 20 5 30 1.5 to 1
    ORI None 3.00 0.90 20 None req. 65 1.5 to 1
    CN None 0.25 0.80 20 None req. 20 20 ft. max.
    CL None 0.60 0.90 20 None req. 30 1.5 to 1
    CS None 0.60 0.90 20 None req. 30 1.5 to 1
    CA None 0.60 0.90 20 None req. 30 1.5 to 1
    CF None 5.00 1.00 None req. None req. 65 1.5 to 1
    DTC See Chapter 17.37 See Chapter 17.37 See Chapter 17.37 See Chapter 17.37 See Chapter 17.37 See Chapter 17.37 See Chapter 17.37
    SCN None 0.25 0.80 20 None req. 20 20 ft. max.
    SCC None 0.50 0.80 20 None req. 30 1.5 to 1
    SCR None 1.00 0.80 20 None req. 30 1.5 to 1
    IWD None 0.80 0.90 20 None req. 30 1.5 to 1
    IR None 0.60 0.90 20 None req. 45 1.5 to 1
    IG None 0.60 0.90 20 None req. 60 1.5 to 1


    Note 1:  Within the urban zoning overlay district, the maximum floor area ratio for the I district shall be 1.50.

    Note 2:  Floor area bonuses are available (1) for the MUI district, and (2) within the urban zoning overlay district, for all mixed-use districts (See Section 17.12.060).

    Note 3:  Street setbacks are listed in Table 17.12.030B.

    Note 4:  For properties located within an adopted Redevelopment District an alternative standard for the maximum allowable building height at a setback line may be established as part of an adopted Redevelopment District plan.

    Note 5:  Development standards shall be as specifically listed in the site specific SP ordinance.

    Note 6:  Within the urban zoning overlay district, any proposed development that does not meet the setback standards within this table may apply for a special exception as provided for in Sections 17.12.035.A and 17.12.035.D.

    Table 17.12.020D

    Zoning District Min. Lot Area Max. Density Max. FAR
    (see Note 1)
    Max. ISR
    (see Note 2)
    Min. Rear Setback
    (in ft.)
    Min. Side Setback
    (in ft.)
    Max. Height in Build-to Zone Min. Step-back Max. Height Build-to Zone
    (in ft.)
    (See Note 3)
    MUN-A None Doesn't apply 0.60 0.80 20 None req. 3 stories in 45 feet 15 feet 4 stories in 60 feet 0—15 in the UZO, 0—80 outside of the UZO
    MUL-A None Doesn't apply 1.00 0.90 20 None req. 3 stories in 45 feet 15 feet 4 stories in 60 feet 0—15 in the UZO, 0—80 outside of the UZO
    MUG-A None Doesn't apply 3.00 0.90 20 None req. 5 stories in 75 feet 15 feet 7 stories in 105 feet 0—15
    MUI-A None Doesn't apply 5.00 1.00 None req. None req. 7 stories in 105 feet 15 feet 15 stories in 150 feet 0—15
    RM9-A 15,000 15 0.60
    See Note 8
    0.70 20 10
    See Note 3
    20 feet 15 feet 35 feet 0—15 in the UZO, 0—80 outside of the UZO
    RM15-A 10,000 9 0.75
    See Note 8
    0.70 20 10
    See Note 3
    20 feet 15 feet 35 feet 0—15 in the UZO, 0—80 outside of the UZO
    RM20-A, OR20-A 7,500 20 0.80
    See Note 2
    0.70 20 5
    See Note 3
    30 feet 15 feet 45 feet 0—15 in the UZO, 0—80 outside of the UZO
    RM40-A, OR40—A 6,000 40 1.00
    See Note 1
    0.75 20 5
    See Note 3
    45 feet 15 feet 60 feet 0—15
    RM60-A 6,000 60 None 0.80 20 5
    See Note 3
    65 feet 15 feet 90 feet 0—15
    RM80-A 6,000 80 None 0.90 20 5 65 feet 15 feet 90 feet 0—15
    RM100-A 6,000 100 None 0.90 20 5 65 feet 15 feet 90 feet 0—15
    ORI-A None Doesn't apply 3.00 0.90 20 None req. 65 feet 15 feet 105 0—15
    CN-A None Doesn't apply 0.25 0.80 20 None req. 2 stories in 30 feet Doesn't apply 2 stories in 30 feet 0—15 in the UZO, 0—80 outside of the UZO
    CL-A None Doesn't apply 0.60 0.90 20 None req. 3 stories in 45 feet 15 feet 4 stories in 60 feet 0—15 in the UZO, 0—80 outside of the UZO
    CS-A None Doesn't apply 0.60 0.90 20 None req. 3 stories in 45 feet 15 feet 4 stories in 60 feet 0—15 in the UZO, 0—80 outside of the UZO


    Note 1:  The area of any parcel dedicated as right-of-way as part of a related development process may be used to calculate FAR or density for the applicable property. No maximum FAR applies to multi-family developments in the RM9-A thru RM40-A and OR20-A OR40-A, and ORI-A districts.

    Note 2:  Within the urban zoning overlay district, any attached townhomes or rowhouses with alley access to required off-street parking, may have a zero-foot side setback (1) on internal lot lines between units, or (2) where the side of a unit is adjacent to an area having a minimum width of ten feet that is shown on the final site plan as an open space area or a required landscape buffer yard, provided that each unit has a private yard and no more than eight units are contained in any single-structure.

    Note 3:  Alternative zoning districts shall have the following standards apply to the location of a building and its associated parking:

    a. Sidewalks shall be constructed to the standard of the Major and Collector Street Plan or, if on a local street, to local street standards. The build-to zone for alternative zoning districts shall be measured from the Standard right-of-way line as established by the table entitled "Standard Street Right-of-Way Widths" in the Major and Collector Street Plan. Streets included in the Major and Collector Street Plan are not eligible for the in-lieu fee in Section 17.20.120.D.

    b. A parcel located at the intersection of two public streets shall have a building occupy the corner of the parcel that is bounded by the two intersecting public streets subject to the "Notes" of this table, which apply to both frontages.

    c. A primary entrance to the building shall be located along the building façade within the build-to zone.

    d. Street Level Parking Decks. Parking decks located at street level shall have no less than seventy-five percent of the lineal street frontage devoted to office or nonparking commercial uses, or in districts that only permit residential uses, residential uses at a minimum depth of twenty feet. A minimum of fifty percent of that wall area shall be glazed. That floor area shall be excluded from the calculation of floor area ratio.

    e. The zoning administrator may allow necessary adjustments to the build-to zone when existing utilities or utility easements are within the build-to zone and unusual circumstances require that the utilities cannot be relocated or easements reduced. Upon allowing an adjustment to the build-to zone, the zoning administrator may also allow adjustments to the rear setback and landscape buffer yard as authorized by Table 17.24.230, to provide for a necessary building area. The zoning administrator may allow necessary adjustments to the build-to zone, rear setback and landscape buffer yard based on the nature of the existing and future land uses and site conditions in the general vicinity after receiving a written recommendation from the planning department and any relevant department or agency.

    f. For first floor residential uses, a minimum raised foundation of 18—36" is required.

    g. Glazing on the first floor of any public street frontage shall be a minimum of forty percent for nonresidential uses and a minimum of twenty-five percent for residential uses. Glazing on the upper floors of any public street frontage shall be a minimum of twenty-five percent.

    h. In the UZO:

    i. Any unimproved alley abutting the property that would provide direct access to an improved alley or street shall be constructed as the primary vehicular access.

    ii. A parcel that is sixty feet wide or greater shall have the front facade of the building extend across at least sixty percent of the parcel's frontage.

    iii. A parcel less than sixty feet wide shall have the building's front facade extend across the full width of the parcel in mixed-use, office and commercial districts.

    iv. If an improved alley is not present or required, an opening of up to twenty-six feet wide shall be permitted, regardless of the requirements of subsections ii and iii above.

    v. Parking shall be permitted only at the sides and rears of buildings

    i. Outside of the UZO:

    i. The front facade of the building shall extend across at least forty-five percent of the parcel's frontage or the building front façade shall be at least twenty-five feet in width, whichever is greater.

    ii. A maximum of one module of parking (two rows and a drive aisle) shall be permitted between the building and the street.