§ 17.12.100. Single-family cottage developments.  

Latest version.
  • In order to provide opportunities for individual ownership of small residential lots oriented onto a common open space, lots in cottage subdivisions shall be arranged subject to the following:


    Applicability. Single-family cottage developments are permitted in all zoning districts that permit multi-family uses; see Chapter 17.37 for applicability in the DTC zoning district.


    Density. Single-family cottage subdivisions shall be developed at a density consistent with the density requirements of the base zone district. Each individual single-family cottage development within a subdivision shall contain four to ten cottage units in small lots around a common open space.


    Orientation. Cottage units shall be oriented to front, and have a main entry onto, the common open space. However, cottage lots abutting a street may front the street, but shall not have the rear of the unit facing the street. Cottage units fronting the street shall have a secondary entrance onto the common open space.


    Bulk Standards. The following bulk standards shall apply:


    Minimum lot sizes shall be waived. See Table 17.020.B.1 for other standards.


    The common open space shall total at least 250 square feet per cottage unit, and shall have cottages abutting on at least two sides.


    The common open space shall be accessible to all cottage units in the development.


    Only one dwelling unit per lot shall be permitted.


    The maximum building coverage, excluding covered porches, shall be 1,000 square feet.


    The maximum height of a cottage shall be two stories.


    Front, rear and side setbacks from the property lines shall be a minimum of three feet.


    Cottage units abutting a public street shall meet the requirements of Table 17.12.030.A. Notwithstanding the base zoning district, cottage units abutting a public street within the UZO shall be subject to the contextual street setbacks specified in Section 17.12.035.


    Where a proposed development cannot comply with the standards of this section, the zoning administrator may approve other standards provided that the intent of this section is met.


    Parking Requirements. The requirements for the provision of parking for single-family cottage developments shall be as follows:


    Parking shall be located on the cottage development property.


    Parking shall meet the requirement for single-family residential units established in Table 17.20.030.


    Parking shall be provided on each cottage lot, or in the form of shared parking cluster(s) in commonly owned space, or a combination of the two.


    Parking clusters shall be no more than six adjoining spaces and shall not be visible from a public street. Parking shall be screened from adjacent residential uses by landscaping or architectural screening as specified in Section 17.24.150.B.


    Parking shall not be permitted in an established front yard setback or required common open space.


    Parking may be permitted between, or to the side of structures, only when it is setback a minimum of ten feet from the leading edge of the front facade of a cottage unit and is accessed by a side or rear alley, or a side or rear private driveway.


    The zoning administrator may approve other methods for the provision of parking provided the intent of this section is met.

(Ord. BL2009-586 § 1(Exh. A, § 26), 2010; Ord. BL2006-971 § 5, 2006)