§ 17.16.035. Institutional uses.  

Latest version.
  • (Refer to zoning district land use table)


    Day Care Center—Up to 75.


    Day Care Center—Over 75.


    Day Care Home.


    Circulation. At a minimum, a circular driveway shall be provided with a separate entrance and exit, clearly marked as such, and where cars can be temporarily parked to escort children into and out of the day care facility, while not blocking other cars that want to exit using the circular driveway. To ensure optimum circulation, all parking spaces on the circular driveway shall be parallel parking spaces to prevent cars being backed-up into the flow of exiting traffic.

    Where the facility is located within a mixed-use building on the same property, the zoning administrator may waive the circulation standard provided the applicant can demonstrate, to the zoning administrator's satisfaction, that the standard should not apply due to specific site or use characteristics.


    Play Area. If an outdoor play area is provided, it shall be fenced and attached to the day care structure in a manner which minimizes noise impacts on neighboring residences.


    Lot Area. Where a minimum lot size is required, the minimum lot area shall be the same as the principal activity, except when in the opinion of the zoning administrator circumstances warrant otherwise.


    State Regulations. All requirements of the state that pertain to the use and operation of the facility shall be met.


    Multi-Family Buildings. The zoning administrator may waive the above standards for multi-family housing developments of two hundred or more units if compliance would disqualify an otherwise reasonable location.

(Ord. 98-1268 § 1 (part), 1998)