§ 17.16.040. Educational uses.  

Latest version.
  • (Refer to zoning district land use table)


    Community Education.


    Campus Size. Minimum campus size shall be based on the total enrollment capacity of the following school types:

    School Type Minimum Campus Size*
    Elementary (K—8) 5 acres + 1 acre/100 students
    Middle (5—9) 10 acres + 1 acre/100 students
    High (7—12) 15 acres + 1 acre/100 students


    ;note; * ;hg;Public park space which abuts the school site may be calculated to meet the minimum campus size, provided the metropolitan board of parks and recreation approves the site for shared use.


    Setback. Where elementary and middle school structures and outdoor activity grounds abut a residential zone district or district permitting residential use, there shall be a minimum setback of fifty feet. Where high school structures and outdoor activity grounds abut a residential zone district or district permitting residential use, there shall be a minimum setback of one hundred feet. Notwithstanding any other provision of the Metropolitan Code of Laws, no new community education facility, as defined in Metropolitan Code of Law Section 17.04.060(B), shall henceforth be constructed within two thousand feet of the property line of any landfill or other waste disposal facility.


    Landscape Buffer Yard. Screening in the form of landscape buffer yard Standard B shall be applied along common property lines.


    Street Standard. At a minimum, educational facilities shall have driveway access on streets that function at the minimum street standards below:


    Elementary: Any street; on minor local streets, driveway access shall be permitted only if the minor local street intersects an arterial or collector street within the same block;


    Middle: Collector street;


    High: Arterial street; or the intersection of two collector streets.


    Reduced Lot Size. The board of zoning appeals may permit school facilities on smaller lot sizes than set forth above provided extracurricular activities are not offered by the school. Indoor/outdoor interscholastic and intramural competitive sports and outdoor physical education facilities are prohibited. Playgrounds and nature study grounds shall be permitted. The reduced lot size shall not be less than the following enrollment capacities.

    Enrollment Capacity Minimum Lot Size
    1 to 75 2 acres
    75 or more 3 acres + 1 acre/100 students



    Landscape Buffer Yard. Screening in the form of landscape buffer yard Standard A shall be applied along common property lines.


    Street Standard. Reduced lot size educational facilities may have driveway access on any street, except on a minor local street driveway access shall be permitted only if the institution is located on a corner lot.


    Community education facilities having a valid use and occupancy permit on the effective date of the ordinance codified in this code, and which cannot satisfy the locational or design standards of this section, may petition the board of zoning appeals as a special exception use under the provisions of Article III of this chapter.


    Required School Site Dedications. All required school site dedications shall follow the zoning requirements in effect at the time the dedication requirement was approved by the metropolitan council through the adoption of an amendment to the official zoning map, or the current requirements of Section 17.16.040, whichever is the least restrictive.


    Adaptive Reuse. Community education facilities shall be permitted to operate within an existing structure, regardless of lot size, subject to the following conditions:


    A valid use and occupancy permit was issued for the structure for use as a community education facility or a religious institution at any point within the previous five year period.


    The property upon which the structure is located has not been subdivided since the cessation of the previous use as a community education facility or religious institution in such a manner so as to reduce the lot size below the minimum lot size for community education facilities provided in this section.


    Vocational School.


    Landscape Buffer Yard. Screening in the form of landscape buffer yard B shall be applied along common property lines.


    Setback. Whenever a vocational school structure intended for vehicle repair, truck driving, manufacturing, production, or industrial equipment abuts a residential zone district or district permitting residential use, there shall be a minimum setback of fifty feet.


    Street Standard. At a minimum, a vocational school shall have driveway access on a collector street.

(Ord. BL2015-1098 §§ 2, 3, 2015; Amdt. 1 with Ord. BL2002-1273 § 6, 2003; Amdt. 1, 2 with Ord. BL2002-1171 § 6, 2002; Ord. 98-1268 § 1 (part), 1998; Ord. 96-555 § 4.2(B), 1997)