§ 17.16.060. Medical uses.  

Latest version.
  • (Refer to zoning district land use table)


    Medical Office. Medical offices shall be limited to two thousand five hundred square feet of gross floor area per establishment, with no more than two establishments per lot.


    Veterinarian. The building footprint of veterinary offices and facilities shall be limited to two thousand five hundred square feet with no more than two establishments per lot. The following shall apply:


    Animal boarding shall occur within completely enclosed structures.


    Landscape Buffer Yard. Outdoor exercise yards shall be completely fenced and used only between seven a.m. and seven p.m. Where such outdoor activities abut a residential zone district or district permitting residential use, landscape buffer yard Standard B shall apply along common property lines. A six-foot opaque vertical fence may substitute for landscaping; however the buffer yard width of landscape buffer yard Standard B shall still apply along common property lines.


    Boarding Kennel. Kennels for the boarding of companion animals not undergoing medical treatment are permitted as an ancillary use subject to the following conditions.


    No more than thirty percent of the gross floor area of the veterinary clinic may be used as a boarding kennel.


    No outdoor kennels or runs are permitted.


    No part of any building or structure in which animals are housed shall be closer than fifty feet from any existing residence located on an adjacent parcel.


    Cages. For a kennel, each animal shall have sufficient space to stand up, lie down and turn around without touching the sides or top of cages. Cages are to be of material and construction that permits cleaning and sanitizing. Cage floors of concrete, unless radiantly heated, shall have a resting board or some type of bedding.


    Watering of Animals. All animals shall have fresh water available at all times. Water vessels shall be mounted or secured in a manner that prevents tipping and shall be of the removable type.


    On-Site Waste Collection. All on-site waste shall be housed either within the kennel building or an accessory structure, and all waste shall be disposed of in a sanitary fashion no less frequently than one time per week. The drainage of all liquid by-products from the kennel shall be discharged into a permitted sanitary sewer line or septic tank and shall not be disposed of by way of storm sewers, creeks, streams, or rivers.


    Building Temperature. Enclosures must be provided which shall allow adequate protection against weather extremes. Floors of buildings, runs, and walls shall be of an impervious material to permit proper cleaning and disinfecting.


    Security Residence. The building footprint of an accessory security residence, if provided, shall be in addition to the maximum permitted building footprint of the veterinary clinic. All standards of Section 17.16.030(C) shall be met.


    Outpatient Clinic. Outpatient clinics shall be limited to clinics with no more than six thousand square feet, with use being limited to occupational health, which is to be defined as those clinics that provide outpatient services limited to the treatment of minor work-related injuries, physical examinations and drug and alcohol screenings.

(Ord. 2001-744 § 1, 2001; Ord. BL2000-480 § 1, 2000; Amdt. 1 with Ord. BL2000-242 § 1 (part), 2000; Ord. 96-555 § 4.2(D), 1997)