§ 17.16.120. Recreation and entertainment uses.  

Latest version.
  • (Refer to zoning district land use table)


    Convention Center/Stadium/Arena.


    Lot Size. The minimum lot area shall be fifteen acres.


    Setback. Where the structure and related facilities, excluding passenger car parking lot, abut a residential zone district or district permitting residential use, there shall be a minimum setback of two hundred fifty feet.


    Landscape Buffer Yard. Along all residential zone districts and districts permitting residential use, screening in the form of landscape buffer yard Standard D shall be applied along common property lines.


    Street Standard. At a minimum, primary access shall be from a nonresidential collector street which has primary access to a street designated on the major street plan.


    Traffic Management Study. A traffic management study shall be required.


    Driving Range.


    Street Standard. At a minimum, driveway access shall be from a collector street.


    Location. The driving range shall be located so that it is one hundred feet away from any residential zoning district boundary or the property line of any property containing a residential use.


    Lighting. All light and glare shall be directed on-site to ensure surrounding properties are not adversely impacted by increases in direct or indirect ambient lighting levels.


    Retail/Restaurant. A snack-bar and pro-shop shall be permitted on the same parcel as the principal use provided it is contiguous to the area where people stand to drive golf balls. The combined area of the snack-bar and pro-shop shall not exceed one thousand five hundred square feet. The snack-bar shall not provide any sit-down food service or alcoholic beverages.


    Fencing. Adequate fencing shall be provided to ensure golf balls do not fly into abutting or adjacent properties and streets.




    Location. Notwithstanding any other provision of the Metropolitan Code of Laws, no new park, as herein defined, shall henceforth be constructed within two thousand feet of the property line of any landfill or other waste disposal facility.


    Small Outdoor Music Event.


    Setback. The stage and sound amplification equipment shall not be oriented toward any residence located within three hundred feet of the property line upon which the small outdoor music event is to be held. Further, sound amplification equipment shall be oriented so that sound is directed away from the closest residential property. For purposes of this subsection, "sound amplification equipment" means small portable sound systems of maximum three hundred watts, microphones, and amplified acoustic musical instruments.


    Noise. A maximum noise level of seventy-five decibels on the A-weighted scale shall be permitted to occur at the boundary line of the nearest residential property.


    Limitations on Number of Events and Hours of Operation. No more than one small outdoor music event shall be held on the property in a calendar month, with a maximum of eight events per calendar year. All small outdoor music event activity shall take place only between the hours of 11:00 a.m. and 9:00 p.m. on weekdays, and between 11:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m. on weekends and shall last a maximum of four hours. The applicant shall provide the zoning administrator with a list of the date(s) and time(s) of the scheduled small outdoor music event(s) prior to obtaining a permit. The permit holder shall annually update the information on file with the zoning administrator regarding the event date(s) and time(s), and the zoning administrator shall be notified of any change in the date(s) and time(s) of events at least ten days prior to the event.


    Attendance. Small outdoor music events shall be limited to a maximum of one hundred fifty people if the lot size is less than twenty thousand square feet in size.


    Parking. Adequate off-street parking shall be provided.


    Street Standard. At a minimum, primary street access for the event shall be from a nonresidential collector street.


    Traffic and Parking Management Plan. A traffic and parking management plan shall be submitted at the time the application for the use permit is filed. At a minimum, such traffic and parking management plan shall include the number of vehicles expected, a list of the streets to be used for ingress and egress, and a list of surface parking areas to be used to accommodate the event.


    Lighting. All light and glare shall be directed on-site to ensure surrounding properties are not adversely impacted by increases in direct or indirect ambient lighting levels.


    Event Notification. The applicant shall provide written notice of every small outdoor music event to all properties located within six hundred feet of the subject property at least ten business days prior to the date of each event. Such notice can be via first class U.S. mail or hand delivery. An event notification plan shall be submitted by the applicant prior to obtaining a permit identifying the method by which notice regarding the small outdoor music event(s) is to be provided. Such notice shall include the following:


    The date, location, and hours of the event;


    The name, email address, and telephone number of the person(s) responsible for the event;


    The telephone number of the zoning administrator's office for purposes of making complaints regarding the event; and


    A statement that noise complaints during the event shall be made to the metropolitan police department.


    Revocation of Permit. The zoning administrator shall have the authority to revoke a small outdoor music event permit upon the violation of any of the terms and conditions of the use permit or of the provisions of this section. Prior to taking action to revoke a small outdoor music event permit, the zoning administrator shall have received a petition documenting the violation(s) signed by owners/occupants representing a majority (fifty percent plus one) of the properties within the event notification area and a copy of the matter of record report from the metropolitan police department, provided that no petition shall be required whenever the zoning administrator determines that there has been a repeat violation of this section or has grounds to believe that a repeat violation has occurred within the past twelve months. Upon revocation, applicants shall not be permitted to apply for another small outdoor music event permit for a period of one year. Revocations may be appealed to the board of zoning appeals pursuant to Section 17.40.180 of the Metropolitan Code.


    Spacing. Only one small outdoor music event permit shall be issued per street block face. Where a block face is over five hundred feet in length, no small outdoor music event shall be permitted within five hundred feet of another property having a valid permit for small outdoor music events, measured in a direct line along the block face from property line to property line and including any public right-of-way.


    The conditions set forth herein shall not apply to any event on public property meeting the definition of small outdoor music event, nor shall they apply to such events on property that is not zoned CS and CS-A, CF, and CA.

(Ord. BL2015-1153 § 15, 2015; Amdt. 1 to Ord. BL2014-651 § 3, 2014; Ord. BL2014-651 § 3, 2014; Amdt. 1 with Ord. BL2002-1273 § 7, 2003; Amdt. 1 (part) with Ord. 99-1644 § 1 (part), 1999; Ord. 98-1268 § 1 (part), 1998; Ord. 96-555 § 4.2(J), 1997)