§ 17.16.130. Other uses.

Latest version.
  • (Refer to zoning district land use table)




    Lot Size. The minimum site area shall be ten acres. Private family cemeteries and cemeteries accessory to a religious institution shall be on a one-acre lot, minimum.


    Street Standard. For cemetery developments of twenty-five acres or greater, primary access shall be from a collector or arterial street.


    Landscape Buffer Yard. Where the perimeter of a cemetery abuts a residential zone district or district permitting residential use, there shall be screening in the form of landscape buffer yard Standard A along common property lines.


    The following accessory uses shall be permitted: Mausoleums, columbariums, chapels, funeral homes and other facilities for burial and ceremonial purposes.


    On-Site Agricultural Sales.


    Maximum Size. Any stand or activity, including any structure, shall be allowed a maximum of three hundred square feet of indoor and outdoor area to display items, except no outdoor display area limitation shall apply to agricultural products cut or picked by customers. The maximum floor area of any structure shall be one hundred square feet.


    Stand. Any stand and/or structure shall be single-story, temporary/seasonal, readily removable, and not permanently affixed to the ground. Further, any stand and/or structure shall be at least fifteen feet from any public right-of-way.


    Products. Items offered for sale or without charge shall be limited to those produced on the property such as raw unprocessed fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, herbs, flowers, ornamental plants, or trees, as well as jams, jellies, pickles, sauces, relishes, or handicrafts.


    Parking. Adequate off-street parking shall be provided with an all-weather surface that minimizes ruts, potholes, and pooling of water. No portion of any required parking space shall be located within the right-of-way of a public street or require backing-up onto a public street.


    Mineral Extraction.


    Street Standard. At a minimum, this use shall have driveway access on a nonresidential collector street as specified in the Major and Collector Street Plan.


    Setback. No mineral extraction activity, including the transport of material extracted, shall occur within five hundred feet of any property line, within one thousand two hundred fifty feet of a residential structure, or within two thousand feet of the property line of a park or community education facility with the exception that residential structures, parks or community education facilities on the opposite side of navigable water ways shall be excluded from the setback requirement.


    Landscape Buffer Yard. Where the site abuts a residential zone district, screening in the form of landscape buffer yard Standard D shall be applied continuously within the setback area required in subdivision 2 of this subsection placed either on the property boundary or along the perimeter of the operation, or both. This screening shall consist of six feet in height densely planted shrubs and/or trees which are of an evergreen type that provide year-round screening, or an opaque wall or barrier of six feet in height. An earthen berm may supplement this screening. All screening shall be maintained in good condition at all times. Areas of hazardous equipment and quarry pits shall be completely enclosed by fencing.


    Performance Standards. The operation shall minimize disturbances and adverse impacts on surrounding lands using best available current technology. The operation shall comply with the performance standards of the industrial zone district regulations and measures shall be taken to control windborne materials in accordance with Section 10.56.190 of the Metropolitan Code. The application shall demonstrate the methodology necessary to ensure that the operation complies with all applicable federal, state and local laws.


    Asphalt Plant.


    Street Standard. At a minimum, this use shall have driveway access on a nonresidential collector street as specified in the Major and Collector Street Plan.


    Setback. No asphalt plant activity shall occur within one thousand two hundred fifty feet of a residential structure or within two thousand feet of the property line of a park or community education facility with the exception that residential structures, parks or community education facilities on the opposite side of navigable water ways shall be excluded from the setback requirement.


    Landscape Buffer Yard. Where the site abuts a residential zone district, screening in the form of landscape buffer yard Standard D shall be applied continuously within the setback area required in subdivision 2 of this subsection placed either on the property boundary or along the perimeter of the operation, or both. This screening shall consist of six feet in height densely planted shrubs and/or trees which are of an evergreen type that provide year-round screening, or an opaque wall or barrier of six feet in height. An earthen berm may supplement this screening. All screening shall be maintained in good condition at all times. Areas of hazardous equipment shall be completely enclosed by fencing.


    Performance Standards. The operation shall minimize disturbances and adverse impacts on surrounding lands using best available current technology. The operation shall comply with the performance standards of the industrial zone district regulations and measures shall be taken to control windborne materials in accordance with Section 10.56.190 of the Metropolitan Code. The application shall demonstrate the methodology necessary to ensure that the operation complies with all applicable federal, state and local laws.


    Concrete Plant.


    Street Standard. At a minimum, this use shall have driveway access on a nonresidential collector street as specified in the Major and Collector Street Plan.


    Setback. No concrete plant activity shall occur within one thousand feet of a residential structure or within two thousand feet of the property line of a park or community education facility with the exception that residential structures, parks or community education facilities on the opposite side of navigable water ways shall be excluded from the setback requirement.


    Landscape Buffer Yard. Where the site abuts a residential zone district, screening in the form of landscape buffer yard Standard D shall be applied continuously within the setback area required in subdivision 2 of this subsection placed either on the property boundary or along the perimeter of the operation, or both. This screening shall consist of six feet in height densely planted shrubs and/or trees which are of an evergreen type that provide year-round screening, or an opaque wall or barrier of six feet in height. An earthen berm may supplement this screening. All screening shall be maintained in good condition at all times. Areas of hazardous equipment shall be completely enclosed by fencing.


    Performance Standards. The operation shall minimize disturbances and adverse impacts on surrounding lands using best available current technology. The operation shall comply with the performance standards of the industrial zone district regulations and measures shall be taken to control windborne materials in accordance with Section 10.56.190 of the Metropolitan Code. The application shall demonstrate the methodology necessary to ensure that the operation complies with all applicable federal, state and local laws.

(Amdt. 1 to Ord. BL2015-14 § 3, 2015; Ord. BL2015-14 § 3, 2015; Amdt. 1 to Ord. BL2015-13 § 1, 2015; Ord. BL2015-13 § 1, 2015; Amdts. 1, 2, to Ord. BL2012-182 § 3, 2012; Ord. BL2012-182 § 3, 2012; Ord. 96-555 § 4.2(K), 1997)