§ 17.16.300. Industrial accessory uses.  

Latest version.
  • (Refer to zoning district land use table)


    Fuel Storage. The storage of petroleum fuel, oils and lubricants may be an accessory use to activities in nonresidential zone districts provided that the quantity of stored fuels does not exceed what is incidental and necessary to conduct the business. Such fuels shall be quantified, stored, handled and used in compliance with the metropolitan fire code.


    Tasting Room.


    This use shall be located within the same building as the distillery or brewery, or within the same building as the office of the distillery or brewery.


    The floor area used for the public portion of the tasting room shall be accessible only from inside the building.


    The tasting room shall be limited to a maximum of no more than one thousand five hundred square feet gross floor area or ten percent of the gross floor area of the distillery or brewery, whichever is greater.


    The hours and days of operation shall be limited to the hours and days of the distillery or brewery operating schedule.


    Signage advertising the tasting room shall be no greater than sixteen square feet in size.


    In a tasting room associated with a distillery, only liquor produced by the distillery may be served or sold.


    In a tasting room associated with a brewery, only beer produced by the brewery may be served or sold, food may be served.


    A minimum of five parking spaces shall be required.

(Amdt. 1 to Ord. BL2012-204 § 3, 2012; Ord. BL2012-204 § 3, 2012; Ord. 96-555 § 4.4(F), 1997)