§ 17.16.330. Other accessory uses.

Latest version.
  • (Refer to zoning district land use table)


    Agricultural Activity.


    Zone Districts. An agricultural activity shall only be permitted as an accessory use in the RS80, RS40, RS30 and RS20 and R80, R40, R30, and R20 residential zoning districts.


    Location. The property containing the residence and agricultural activity shall not be located within the urban services district.


    Lot Size. The minimum lot size shall be five acres.


    Operation. An agricultural activity shall not include any roadside stand, nor shall a "cut your own" or "pick your own" activity of any items grown, produced or raised on or off-site be offered, whether such stand or offering is supervised or unsupervised, and whether the item(s) are offered for sale or not.


    Domestic Animals/Wildlife. Native and exotic animals and common domestic farm animals, defined as Class II and Class III wildlife (Tennessee Code Annotated 70-4-403), which are kept outdoors for any purpose other than agricultural business, shall be an accessory use to a residence. The following land use development standards shall apply.


    Zone Districts. Such animals shall only be permitted as an accessory use in the RS80, RS40, RS30, RS20 and R80, R40, R30 and R20 residential zone districts.


    Location. The property containing the residence and farm animals/wildlife shall not be located within the urban services district.


    Lot Size. The minimum lot size shall be five acres.


    All pens, runs, paddocks, pastures and other open outdoor areas shall be fully enclosed by fencing. Barns, stables, stalls, and similar shelters shall not be located within two hundred fifty feet of a residential structure in a residential zone district.


    Such accessory use shall obtain all necessary permits from the Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency, Tennessee Department of Agriculture, and/or the metropolitan department of health pursuant to Title 8 of the Metropolitan Code of Laws.

(Amdt. 1 with Ord. 98-1268 § 1 (part), 1998; Ord. 96-555 § 4.4(I), 1997)