§ 17.24.010. Purpose and intent.  

Latest version.
  • The general purpose of this chapter is to set standards for landscaping and buffering in order to implement the precepts of the general plan and the associated subarea plans, as well as the requirements of the various zone districts set out previously, including properties zoned DTC district as set forth in Chapter 17.37. This chapter further establishes standards for the protection and replacement of trees to insure their continued presence and associated benefits; establishes standards for screening and landscaping parking areas to reduce their impact on adjacent properties and public thoroughfares, as well as to mitigate the environ-mental impacts of large areas of unbroken pavement; establishes standards for buffering between different zone districts or selected land uses to mitigate the results of differing activities; and sets standards for plant materials, maintenance of required plants, planting in scenic easements and standards for the screening of unsightly areas.

(Ord. BL2009-586 § 1(Exh. A, § 37), 2010; Ord. 96-555 § 6.1, 1997)