§ 17.24.060. Special screening requirements.  

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  • Screening of unsightly areas shall be accomplished as follows:


    Dumpsters and other trash receptacles for all structures other than single-family and two-family residences shall be screened by an enclosure from public streets and from properties which are zoned or policied for residential use. The following design standards shall apply:


    Receptacles shall be placed on a concrete pad, constructed from steel reinforced concrete and a minimum of eight inches thick.


    Enclosures shall consist of a fence or wall constructed of opaque-type materials, such as wood, masonry, or other permanent materials, which prevent direct visibility of the receptacle. Evergreen plants may be used in part to meet the requirement of opacity.


    Enclosures shall be constructed to a minimum height of one foot higher than the height of the enclosed receptacle, or six feet in height, whichever is higher.


    Enclosures shall be constructed in such a manner that all structural members, including braces, posts, poles, and other projections, are located within the interior of the enclosure.


    Unless the service opening is oriented away from adjacent public streets and residential properties, enclosures shall have a service access gate meeting the following design standards:


    Access gates shall be of sufficient size to remove the receptacle from the enclosure.


    Access gates shall be constructed of opaque-type materials which prevent direct visibility of the receptacle.


    Access gates shall be constructed with a latch to keep the access gate closed when the receptacle is not in use.


    Access gates shall not open directly onto public streets or sidewalks.


    Enclosures may have an additional side door for accessing the receptacle. This additional side door may be up to three feet in width and may be secured or unsecured.


    Receptacles shall be located in the rear of the building or structure which they service. If a receptacle cannot be placed behind the building or structure it services, the location shall be determined by the department of codes administration.


    Receptacles must remain readily accessible to the Nashville Fire Department.


    On sites which are developed at the time of adoption of the ordinance codified in this chapter which are subsequently upgraded, dumpsters shall be screened to meet the standards set out in this subsection if:


    Any single expansion of the site increases the total building area by twenty-five percent or more;


    Multiple expansions within a five-year period increase the total building area by twenty-five percent or more;


    The value of any single expansion is more than twenty-five percent of the existing value of improvements;


    The total value of all improvements increases by fifty percent or more as a result of multiple expansions over a five year period.


    Landscape Buffer Yard Required for Double Frontage Lot. In cases where residential lots are developed with frontage and access to a street within the subdivision and the rear of the lot is oriented toward a public right-of-way, the rear of such double frontage lots shall be screened from the public right-of-way by a landscape buffer yard according to the following standards:

    Street Type Buffer Standard
    Local street Standard A
    Collector street Standard B
    Arterial street Standard C



    Mechanical equipment, antennae or satellite dishes exceeding eighteen inches in diameter shall not be located within required landscape buffer yards or required front or side setbacks. Mechanical equipment or satellite dishes exceeding eighteen inches in diameter located atop a building shall be screened from all abutting public streets and residential properties by enclosure within the roof form of the building or a screen.


    Parking areas servicing multifamily and non-residential uses which have ten or more parking spaces and are located adjacent to residentially zoned properties with-out an intervening street shall be screened by a permanent opaque fence or wall at least six feet in height, in addition to the parking area perimeter landscaping or landscape buffer yards required.


    The exterior service area of a commercial or industrial building, if oriented toward a public street, shall be screened as follows:


    When oriented to a minor local, local or collector street, screen with a Standard A landscape buffer yard.


    When oriented to an arterial street on the adopted major street plan, screen with a Standard B landscape buffer yard.


    In addition to the requirements imposed by Sections 17.24.130 through 17.24.170 and Sections 17.24.180 through 17.24.240 of this chapter, areas used for the temporary or permanent storage of inoperable or damaged vehicles shall be screened from properties zoned residential and from public streets by means of an opaque fence or wall not less than six feet in height.


    Limitation on Outdoor Storage in all Shopping Center and Mixed-Use Districts. In all shopping center and mixed-use districts, outside display and sales shall be limited to the incidental display of goods for sale or rent by an establishment having activities that occur principally within a building on the same lot, or to the display of new or used vehicles (where permitted by the district).


    Outdoor Recreational Facility. An outdoor recreational facility, including swimming pools, tennis or basket-ball courts (golf course fairways excepted), when located adjacent to property with a residential zoning classification, shall provide a Standard C landscape buffer yard to shield the adjacent property.

(Ord. BL2018-1316 § 1, 2018; Amdt. 1 with Ord. 2001-750 § 3, 2001; Ord. 99-1643 § 3, 1999; Ord. 98-1268 § 1 (part), 1998; Ord. 96-555 § 6.2(E), 1997)