§ 17.36.050. Minimum performance standards.  

Latest version.
  • In addition to satisfying all other applicable provisions of this title, approval of a proposed master development plan shall be based upon findings that the following design and development objectives have been satisfied.


    Protection of Environmentally Sensitive Areas. If encompassing environmentally sensitive areas as defined by Chapter 17.28, approval of a PUD master development plan shall be based upon a finding that the proposed development plan will result in greater protection and preservation of those areas than otherwise would result from development at the minimum protection standards of Chapter 17.28. Areas to be protected shall include undisturbed hillsides of twenty percent or greater slopes, nonmanipulated floodway and floodplain areas, problem soils, streams, creeks and major drains, designated wetlands, and areas containing protected Cedar Glade plant species.


    Adequate Streets, Utilities and Drainage. Approval of a PUD shall be based upon a finding that streets, utilities and drainage features will be of adequate capacity to serve the proposed development. As part of a master development plan proposal, a property owner may offer to upgrade or otherwise provide adequate facilities to support the proposed intensity of development. Public facilities already included in an adopted capital improvements budget may be considered a demonstration of adequate capacity if properly timed with anticipated construction of the development.


    Coordinated Vehicular Access. The approval of a master development plan shall be based on a finding that the vehicular access and internal circulation shall adequately support the operational needs of the development itself in a manner that maintains and protects the operational integrity of the community's major streets and highways to standards equal to or greater than otherwise required by Chapter 17.20. Further, the traffic circulation system for a master development plan shall be designed in a manner that directs commercial traffic away from residential streets.


    Integrity of Adjacent Areas. The approval of a proposed master development plan shall be based on a finding that the project is designed and will be developed in a manner that will not impair the reasonable long-term use of nearby properties in fulfillment of the land use policies of the general plan.


    Integrity of an Adopted Greenway Plan. Approval of a PUD master development plan that encompasses land area lying within the greenway overlay district shall be based upon a finding that the plan is designed in a manner that affords an opportunity for eventual implementation of the greenway plan. A master development plan shall take all reasonable measures to protect the visual and operational integrity of an existing or proposed greenway corridor by means of sensitive orientation and placement of improvements to the land, and the protection of mature vegetation and natural land forms. If development bonuses permitted by Section 17.36.090 are utilized, those areas of a master development plan lying within the greenway overlay district shall be dedicated for use as a component of the greenway network.


    Preservation of Historic and/or Archaeological Sites. All reasonable measures shall be taken to incorporate features of historical and/or archaeological significance into the design and development of a PUD master development plan in a manner that contributes to the protection and preservation of those features.

(Ord. 96-555 § 9.2(C), 1997)