§ 17.36.060. General development standards.  

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  • A.

    Relationship to Other Requirements. Unless explicitly authorized otherwise by the approved master development plan under the authority of subsection G of this section, all requirements and standards established by other chapters of this title, as well as any other applicable metro, state or federal regulation, shall apply to the development and use of properties located within a PUD district. All development within a PUD district shall conform to Chapter 15.64, the "Ordinance for Storm Water Management" and the subdivision regulations. In case of conflict between the standards of this article and other chapters of this Zoning Code, the provisions of this article shall control.


    Permitted Land Uses. Land uses permitted within a PUD district shall be established by the underlying zoning district(s). Any land use classified as a "P" or "PC" by the district land use table (Section 17.08.030) shall be permitted within a corresponding PUD district. Special exception uses ("SE") may be permitted within a PUD district if approved initially as part of the master development plan by the metropolitan planning commission and council, or thereafter by the board of zoning appeals upon consideration of a recommendation by the planning commission.


    Land Use Allocation. The overall intensity or scope of any given land use permitted within a PUD district by an underlying zone district shall be established by applying the land area within that district classification to the applicable bulk standards of Tables 17.12.020A, 17.12.020B or 17.12.020C. Although the locational arrangement of land uses within a PUD district may vary from the conventional zoning boundaries underlying the overlay, the overall range or scope of any type of land use shall not exceed that permitted by the underlying district corresponding to that use except when utilizing the development bonus provisions offered by this chapter. In the case of residential development, the number of permitted dwelling units and structure type shall be established by the corresponding zoning district(s) within the PUD district.


    Residential Density. The maximum overall residential density of a master development plan shall be established by applying the minimum lot size requirements of Table 17.12.020A, the maximum density of Table 17.12.020B, or the maximum floor area ratio standard of Table 17.12.020C (as applicable) to the gross land area encompassed by the underlying zoning district(s) and by deducting fifteen percent of the gross land area for streets and dividing the remaining eighty-five percent of the gross land area by the minimum lot area of the actual zone district. Density shall be calculated on a pro-rata basis if the PUD district overlays more than one residential zoning district. A maximum density shall be assigned to each residential component of the master development plan and recorded by plat or equivalent instrument prior to commencing development of the first phase.


    Floor Area Ratio (FAR). The maximum overall floor area permitted within a PUD master development plan shall be established by applying the maximum floor area ratio standards of Tables 17.12.020B or 12.12.020C (as applicable) to the gross land area encompassed by the underlying zoning district(s), excluding the public rights-of-way of existing streets and alleys. When more than one zoning district exists within a PUD district, floor areas shall be calculated on a pro-rata basis. If land uses are redistributed across district boundaries, maximum floor areas shall be assigned to each component of the master development plan and recorded by plat or equivalent instrument prior to commencing development of the first phase.


    Impervious Surface Ratio (ISR). The overall area of impervious surface permitted within a master development plan shall not exceed that amount allocated to the gross land area of the underlying zoning district(s) as established by Tables 17.12.020B and 17.12.020C, exclusive of existing public street or alley rights-of-way. When a PUD district includes more than one underlying zoning district, the accumulative total of all impervious surfaces within a PUD master development plan shall not exceed the maximum impervious surface ratio(s) permitted by the underlying zoning district(s) on a pro-rata basis. If land uses are redistributed across district boundaries, the maximum permitted impervious surface ratio shall be established for each component of the master development plan and recorded by plat or equivalent instrument prior to commencing development of the first phase.


    Alternative Design Standards. In the approval of a PUD master development plan, the council may authorize the establishment of alternative design standards based on a finding that those standards would serve to enhance the general development concept of the PUD district, would equal or exceed the standard design objectives of this title, and would not impair the reasonable long-term use of other properties in fulfillment of the land use policies of the general plan. Alternate design standards may be approved in lieu of the following provisions of this title for those portions of a master development plan not situated along the perimeter of a PUD district:


    The setback and building height standards of Tables 17.12.020A, 17.12.020B or 17.12.020C;


    The street setback standards of Section 17.12.030; and


    The landscape buffer yard standards of Chapter 17.24.


    Common Open Space. Areas of common open space required by this chapter shall be fully described on the master development plan, any applicable final site plan, and a recorded plat of subdivision. Common open space shall be maintained according to the provisions of Section 17.40.120 of this title.


    Staged Development. Final site plan construction may occur in stages provided that a staging plan is reflected on the approved master development plan, each phase of development adheres to the applicable standards of this title independently, and streets and associated utilities are provided in a manner supportive of subsequent phases of development. If improvements to the existing street network or utility system are to be phased, an implementation schedule and funding program prorated to each contributing phase of development shall be prepared by the landowner for planning commission approval with the first phase of development.

(Ord. BL99-117 § 1 (part), 2000; Ord. 96-555 § 9.2(D), 1997)