§ 17.36.070. Residential standards.  

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  • A.

    Clustering Single-Family and Two-Family Lots.


    Residential lots within a PUD district may be clustered to a greater extent than allowed by the cluster lot provisions of Section 17.12.080 in return for extraordinary protection of environmentally sensitive areas in a natural state. With proper environmental protection, a PUD master development plan may recapture up to one hundred percent of the average density achievable by similarly zoned land with no environmental constraints. The actual achievable density for any given master development plan may be less depending upon the extent of environmentally sensitive areas to be protected and the minimum lot requirements established below.


    Recreational facilities.


    Any property owner or developer of a subdivision clustering single-family and two-family lots within a PUD district as provided in subsection A.1. of this section shall install and/or construct recreational facilities on a portion of the required undeveloped common open space. For purposes of this section, "recreation facilities" means active play facilities (including but not limited to tennis courts, basketball courts, swimming pools, playgrounds, baseball/softball diamonds or volleyball courts) and passive amenities (including but not limited to walking trails, picnic shelters or gazebos, shared docks, and similar passive recreation amenities). Proposed recreation facilities shall be defined on the Master Development Plan and shall be demonstrated appropriate to the intended demographics of the single-family and two-family portion of a PUD.


    Recreational facilities required pursuant to this subsection shall be located within usable open space areas and shall not be constructed within the following areas:


    Natural areas with slope greater than fifteen percent;


    Within the floodplain;


    Within a sinkhole; or


    Within areas that would impact cultural resources.

     Editor's note— The word "usable" was misspelled by staff in the original bill. The dictionary spelling is "useable."


    At a minimum, recreational facilities shall be constructed and/or installed in accordance with the following schedule:


    Residential developments containing fewer than twenty-five units shall be exempt from the requirement to install recreation facilities.


    One recreational facility shall be installed for developments containing between twenty-five and ninety-nine total residential units, plus an additional recreational facility for every one hundred residential units in excess of the first ninety-nine units.


    Common Open Space. Except for those portions of a master development plan required for the installation of streets and essential utilities, the following areas shall be designated as common open space and protected by a recorded plat in accordance with Section 17.40.120.


    Large contiguous areas of natural slopes of twenty percent or greater in all districts. The planning commission may authorize the creation of lots within natural slopes ranging up to twenty-five percent subject to the standards and conditions set out in Section 17.28.030;


    Areas classified as natural floodway in a predevelopment state;


    Two-thirds of the area classified as natural floodplain in a predevelopment state;


    Areas containing protected Cedar Glade plant species as established by Section 17.28.060;


    Streams, creeks and major drainage features;


    Areas classified as wetlands; and


    Landscape buffer yards as required by Chapter 17.24, Article IV.

    Notwithstanding the above, a minimum of fifteen percent of the gross land area shall be designated as common open space for single and two-family development. Whenever feasible, areas of common open space within a master development plan should be interconnected in a cohesive and continuous manner.


    Minimum Lot Sizes. The minimum size of lots created for single-family and/or two-family development may be less than the standard lot sizes normally required for the underlying zoning district(s) by Table 17.12.020A, subject to the following restrictions.


    The minimum size of perimeter lots oriented towards an existing street shall be at least ninety percent of the minimum size required by Table 17.12.020 A for the actual zoning of the property. If, however, the opposite property has previously developed with smaller lot sizes, or has a currently approved plan of development with smaller lots sizes, the planning commission may permit the perimeter lots to be of a comparable size to those opposite lots within the overall size limitations established by this section.


    Perimeter double-frontage lots oriented to an internal street may be reduced in size the equivalent of one zoning district provided that a standard C landscape buffer yard is provided within common open space along that boundary. Alternatively, perimeter double frontage lots may be reduced in size the equivalent of two districts with the installation of a standard D landscape buffer yard.


    Perimeter lots otherwise abutting a conventional R/R-A or RS/RS-A subdivision may be reduced in size the equivalent of one zoning district with the installation of a standard B landscape buffer yard located within common open space. Perimeter lots may be reduced in size the equivalent of two zoning districts with the installation of a standard C landscape buffer yard. In situations where abutting lots of a neighboring development are smaller in size than would otherwise be required of the perimeter lots in the cluster lot subdivision, the planning commission may permit the perimeter lots to be of a similar character to those abutting lots within the overall size limitations established by this section.


    Required Setbacks. The minimum yard and street setback requirements for all residential lots shall be those established by Chapter 17.12 for the alternative zoning district assigned to that particular phase by the adopted master development plan, unless explicitly established otherwise according to Section 17.36.060G. The minimum rear yard setback for double frontage lots along the perimeter of a master development plan shall be no less than the standard street setback requirement of Chapter 17.12.

(Ord. BL2015-1153 § 16, 2015; Amdt. 1 to Ord. BL2007-1449 § 1, 2007; Ord. BL2007-1449 § 1, 2007; Ord. 98-1268 § 1 (part), 1998; § 1(12) of Amdt. 1 with Ord. 96-555 § 9.2(E), 1997)