§ 17.36.160. Dedication incentives.

Latest version.
  • Development incentives are established by this section to encourage participation in the implementation of a comprehensive greenway network. In return for a development bonus, the landowner shall locate all development outside the overlay district, design and orient all development in a manner which protects the functional and operational integrity of the greenway network, and dedicate all areas within the overlay district for public use by conveyance of easements, property title or equivalent means. The following incentives may be applied to properties lying within a mapped greenway overlay district, and are to be considered bonuses granted above and beyond all other cluster incentives established elsewhere in this title.


    Residential development in the R/R-A and RS/RS-A districts utilizing the cluster lot option provisions of Section 17.12.080 or the PUD cluster provisions of Article II of this chapter may utilize the development bonus provisions of Section 17.36.090 for a corresponding amount of land area dedicated for public greenway use. Minimum lot sizes in a cluster lot option development may be reduced the equivalent of two base zone districts. Area dedicated for public greenway use in a PUD or cluster lot option form of development may count one and one-half times towards satisfying minimum common open space requirements of Section 17.36.070B.


    Multifamily development in the RM and mixed-use districts may achieve a twenty-five percent bonus in achievable density derived from that amount of land area dedicated for public greenway use. Area dedicated for public greenway use in a PUD development may count one and one-half times towards satisfying the minimum common open space requirement of Section 17.36.070B; all protected trees within the area of dedication may count one and one-half times in satisfying the tree density requirements of Section 17.24.100.


    Nonresidential development may be granted a floor area ratio (FAR) bonus of twenty-five percent for that amount of land area dedicated for public greenway use. All protected trees within the area of greenway dedication may count one and one-half times in satisfying the tree density requirements of Section 17.24.100.

(Ord. BL2015-1153 § 16, 2015; Ord. 96-555 § 9.4(D), 1997)