§ 17.40.170. Final site plan.

Latest version.
  • The construction of any permanent structure shall be in conformance with a final site plan approved in accordance with the following procedures.


    Final Approval by the Zoning Administrator. Prior to approval, the zoning administrator shall review final site plan applications in all zoning districts except those cited in subsection B of this section to verify conformance with the provisions of this title and any other applicable regulation. Final site plan applications shall be submitted in form and content established by the zoning administrator, and shall specifically describe the nature and scope of development to serve as the basis for the issuance of permits by the department of codes administration and any other applicable metro department.


    Final Approval by the Planning Commission. Planning Commission approval shall be required for a final site plan within a SP district, landmark sign designation or within the overlay districts known as planned unit development (PUD), urban design, and institutional.


    Application for Final Approval. A final site plan application filed with the planning commission shall consist of a detailed set of construction plans that fully demonstrate compliance with all applicable provisions of this title and accurately represent the resulting form of construction. Applications shall include all necessary drawings, specifications, studies or reports as required by a submittal checklist adopted by the planning commission.


    Final Report. A written report from the staff of the planning commission shall be submitted to the commission prior to consideration of a final site plan. The report shall adequately describe the location, nature and scope of the final site plan, and its conformance with applicable codes and regulations.


    Bases for Final Site Plan Approval. Approval of a final site plan shall be based on demonstrated compliance with all applicable provisions of this title. For property located within a planned unit development (PUD) district, the final site plan shall conform to the general development concept and approval provisions of the master development plan.


    Planning Commission Action. The planning commission shall act to approve, conditionally approve or disapprove a final site plan application.


    Permits and Certificates. Upon satisfaction of all conditions of approval, an approved final site plan shall be forwarded by the planning commission to the zoning administrator to form the basis for zoning permits. No zoning permit shall be issued prior to approval of the final site plan by the planning commission, nor shall a certificate of zoning compliance be issued unless all construction is in compliance with the final site development plan approved by the planning commission.


    If the approved site plan for landmark sign designation has not been fulfilled six months after designation is granted, the designation shall be removed. The applicant may reapply for designation.


    Final Approval by the Planning Department for DTC district development. Prior to approval, the Planning Department shall review site plans in the DTC district to verify conformance with the provisions of Chapter 17.37 of this title. A site plan shall be submitted in form and content established by the Planning Department, and shall specifically describe the nature and scope of development to serve as the basis for determination of compliance with the DTC district standards before the issuance of permits by the Planning Department and any other applicable metro department.


    Development Under a Unified Plat of Subdivision. Applicants seeking design flexibility may use a unified plat of subdivision to identify and delineate the boundary of all properties to be considered as one "unified" piece of property for purposes of complying with certain floor area ratio (FAR), impervious surface ratio (ISR), landscaping, parking, sign, and street setback standards. Such plat shall be reviewed and approved by the planning commission via the Subdivision Regulations final plat procedures. Once the unified plat is approved and recorded by the planning commission, a final site plan can be approved. Properties eligible for a unified plat are those located in any zoning district (except R/R-A and RS/RS-A) or within a planned unit development, institutional, or urban design overlay district. The zoning administrator and/or the planning commission may authorize the following design flexibility on the final site plan, provided that all standards of this title are satisfied within the boundary of the unified plat of subdivision as approved by the planning commission, and suitably noted both on the final site plan and the recorded unified plat."


    A permanent on-premises sign may be located on a different lot subject to the number, size and spacing standards of Chapter 17.32.


    The parking requirements of Chapter 17.20, Article II may be satisfied on a different lot than that containing the principal use or through a shared parking arrangement.


    The perimeter parking lot landscaping standards of Section 17.24.150B may be waived along internal lot lines.


    The overall area of impervious surface (ISR) permitted within the unified plat of subdivision may be redistributed among the lots of that plat provided that the department of public works determines that each final site plan conforms to the requirements of Chapter 15.64, "An Ordinance for Storm Water Management."


    The zoning administrator and/or planning commission may vary the street setback standards of Tables 17.12.030A and 17.12.030B if deemed appropriate to maintain the existing character of a developed area.


    The overall floor area ratio (FAR) permitted within a unified plat of subdivision may be redistributed among the lots of that plat.

(Ord. BL2015-1153 § 16, 2015; Ord. BL2015-1053 §§ 3, 4, 2015; Ord. BL2011-922 § 3, 2011; Ord. BL2009-586 § 1(Exh. A, §§ 46, 47), 2010; Ord. BL2007-36 § 2, 2007; Ord. BL2005-762 §§ 7, 8, 2005; Ord. BL2000-364 § 1 (part), 2000; Ord. 98-1268 § 1(part), 1998; Ord. 96-555 § 10.5(B), 1997)