§ 17.40.480. Off-site plantings.

Latest version.
  • In the event that the urban forester determines that: (a) the site is located in the CC, MUI or CF district, or in any other district that may not provide for adequate required yard space to accommodate the total number of required replacement trees; or (b) the unique soil types, topography and/or unusual nature of the site would not assure growth of trees, the applicant may contribute to the tree bank an amount of money equal to the costs of providing the required density, according to a schedule promulgated by the urban forester and approved by resolution of the council.

    The tree bank shall be a fund set up to receive monies from owners or developers who, for various reasons, remain unable to successfully plant and maintain trees on the site under development, with such monies to be used for the planting and maintaining of public trees. This article shall not apply to sites containing surface parking lots in the CC, CF or MUI districts.

(Ord. 96-555 § 10.10(E), 1997)