§ 1.20.010. Registration of certain persons required when—Information required.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    Every person who has been convicted or who may hereafter be convicted in any federal court or the court of any state of the crime of counterfeiting, grand larceny, embezzlement, forgery, obtaining money or property by false pretenses, burglary, felonious assault, robbery, arson, murder, rape, kidnapping, extortion, violation of any law prohibiting the carrying of deadly or concealed weapons, or violations of any provision of any national or state law relating to the possession, sale or transportation of any narcotics, or has been convicted of attempting any one or more of such offenses, who resides in or who comes into Davidson County from any point outside Davidson county, whether in transit through the county or otherwise, shall report to the chief of police within forty-eight hours after his arrival within the county, and shall furnish to the chief of police, in a written statement signed by such person:


    The true name and each other name or alias by which such person is or has been known;


    A full and complete description of himself;


    The name of each crime hereinabove in this section enumerated of which he shall have been convicted, together with the name of the place where each such crime was committed;


    The name under which he was convicted and the date of the conviction itself;


    The name, if any, and the location of such prison, reformatory or other penal institution in which he shall have been confined as punishment therefor, together with the location or address of his residence, stopping place or living quarters in Davidson County, and each one thereof, if any, or the address or location of his intended residence, stopping place or living quarters therein, and each one thereof, with a description of the character of each such place, whether a hotel, apartment house, dwelling house or otherwise, giving the street number thereof, if any, or such description of the address or location thereof as will so identify the same as to make it possible of location; and


    The length of time for which he expects or intends to reside within Davidson County;

    provided, that such registration shall not be required of any person who has been released from imprisonment for a period of ten years or more and who has not, subsequent to release, been convicted of the violation of any law of the United States or any state.


    At the time of furnishing such information, such person may be photographed and fingerprinted by the chief of police and the photograph and fingerprints, if any, shall be made a part of the permanent record herein provided for.

(Ord. 90-1339 § 1 (34-3), 1990; prior code § 34-2-6)