§ 1.24.030. Authority to issue citations—Enforcement procedures—Failure to answer a citation—Penalties.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    Whenever an employee of the metropolitan government is charged with enforcing a specific law, ordinance or code of the metropolitan government, including but not limited to enforcement personnel of the health department, board of parks and recreation, public works department, codes administration, fire marshal, traffic and parking commission, beer board and transportation licensing commission; such employees may issue citations for persons found to be violating the particular ordinances of the metropolitan code which the aforesaid employees are employed to enforce.


    When any person is charged with an ordinance violation in the metropolitan government jurisdiction and an ordinance citation is issued to such person on such violation, it shall be the duty of the metropolitan court in which such case is set for trial to try the same without the issuance or service of a warrant upon such defendant, provided the defendant has signed a waiver on such citation agreeing to come to court and waiving the issuance and service of a warrant upon him.


    Whenever a metropolitan government employee as described above in subsection. A. of this section, issues to a person cited for the violation of a metropolitan ordinance a citation to appear in court on a date and time specified, that person's failure to appear to answer the citation in court at the specified time shall constitute an additional offense, punishable by a fine of fifty dollars, and the court shall be authorized to issue a bench warrant based upon the person's failure to appear.


    Any fine imposed under the provisions of this section shall be in addition to any fine imposed for violating any ordinance for which the person was originally cited to appear in court.


    Failure to answer a citation for a violation of an ordinance, resolution, rule, regulation, or order of the metropolitan government within forty-five days or to appear at a scheduled court date on the citation shall result in the fine amount being increased to fifty dollars for each violation.

(Ord. BL2012-281 § 4, 2012; Ord. BL2010-793 § 2, 2010; Prior code § 12-1-17)