§ 2.64.050. Organization and internal management.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    Each board or commission having authority under the Metropolitan Charter to do so shall prepare and make available to all its employees the rules and regulations relating to the organization and internal management of such board or commission which shall include, but shall not be limited to:


    The organizational structure of the board or commission, including a chart or table of organization therefor;


    The positions within the organizational structure of the board or commission;


    A pay schedule for the various offices and positions under the administrative direction and authority of such board or commission;


    The duties and responsibilities of the various offices and positions of the board or commission;


    The rules which will govern the general policies of the board or commission.


    All of the rules and regulations provided for herein shall become effective only after approval of the mayor, upon recommendation by the board or commission involved, except as otherwise provided in the Metropolitan Charter. All such regulations, before being submitted to the mayor, shall be approved by the director of law as to form and legality, and they shall become effective upon being approved by the mayor. A copy of all rules and regulations pertaining to the compensation of personnel or other expenditure of funds shall be delivered to the director of finance for his information and for his action, if required.


    All rules and regulations of administrative boards and commissions pertaining to personnel shall protect such employment status as has been required by provisions of the Metropolitan Charter, and nothing in such rules and regulations shall impair or diminish the rights and privileges of employees of the former City of Nashville or of Davidson County under civil service, as provided by the Metropolitan Charter.


    All rules and regulations of administrative boards and commissions pertaining to personnel shall protect such status as may be established by the provisions of the civil service rules and classifications and pay plans of the metropolitan government, and nothing in the rules and regulations of such boards and commissions shall impair or diminish the rights and privileges of employees who may have civil service status.


    Each board and commission shall cause certified copies of the rules and regulations of the board or commission, as provided in this section, to be filed with the department of personnel and with the metropolitan clerk. Such rules and regulations shall be a public record.


    The metropolitan clerk shall maintain a list of the names of the official recordkeeper for every board and commission of the metropolitan government.

(Amdt. 1 with Ord. 96-525 § 1, 1996; Ord. 96-525 § 1, 1996; Ord. 92-321 § 1, 1992; prior code § 2-1-52)