§ 2.76.090. Meetings and hearings—Notice of examinations or hearings.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    The board of electrical examiners and appeals shall establish regular stated meeting dates, at least one per calendar quarter, for the conduct of its normal business activities, and may meet in special session on any matter before the board on call by the chairman. All meetings of the board shall be open to the public, and shall be open to the public and shall be held in a building under the jurisdiction of the metropolitan government. The board shall conduct a hearing on each petition brought before the board within a reasonable period following notification of such petition, and in no event shall such hearing be more than thirty days following receipt of an application for examination or notice of appeal.


    Written notice, setting forth the time and place of an examination or hearing, shall be given each applicant or petitioner not less than seven days prior to such examination or hearing, except that the board, at its discretion, may limit such time to not more than forty-eight hours as set forth in Section 6.20.120 of this code.


    Five members of the board of electrical examiners and appeals shall be necessary to constitute a quorum for the conduct of business.

(Ord. 92-119 § 1, 1992; prior code § 14-1-23)