§ 2.112.040. Powers and duties.  

Latest version.
  • In order to carry out and facilitate the commission's general purposes, it shall have authority to:


    Elect a chairman and such other officers as it may deem necessary to carry out the functions and duties of the commission;


    Promulgate and maintain its own regulations and bylaws;


    Conduct its affairs, to select advisory committees or panels of experts as necessary to assist in the discharge of its duties;


    Receive and expend any money allocated to it by the metropolitan government or donated to it for the purposes of the commission as expressed herein;


    Accept and receive gifts donated to the commission for artistic and cultural purposes;


    Recognize individuals, institutions and organizations who exemplify excellence in cultural and artistic endeavors by bestowing upon such individuals, institutions and organizations such awards and commendations as the commission from time to time deems appropriate;


    Accept funds from other arts organizations, private and government entities, for disbursement to deserving nonprofit civic and nonprofit charitable organizations. The acceptance of such funds shall be approved by resolution of the metropolitan council;


    Award funds appropriated to it by the metropolitan council to deserving nonprofit civic and nonprofit charitable organizations. Criteria for the awarding of such funds shall be established by the Metropolitan Nashville Arts Commission and approved by resolution of the metropolitan council. Once a determination is made by the Metropolitan Nashville Arts Commission that a deserving nonprofit civic or nonprofit charitable organization is to receive funds, a grant contract shall be prepared and signed for each such organization. A notice shall be published in a newspaper of general circulation of the intent to make an appropriation to deserving nonprofit civic and nonprofit charitable organizations; included within that notice shall be the amount of the appropriation and the purpose for which the funds will be spent. The grant contracts shall then be submitted to the metropolitan council for approval by resolution at two consecutive regularly scheduled meetings of the metropolitan council.


    A "nonprofit charitable organization" is defined as one in which no part of the net earnings benefit any private shareholder or individual and which provides year-round services benefiting the general welfare of the residents of the municipality.


    A "nonprofit civic organization" is defined as a civic organization exempt from taxation pursuant to Section 501(c) of the IRS Code. A nonprofit civic organization must operate primarily for the purpose of bringing about civic betterment and social improvements through efforts to maintain and increase employment opportunities in the municipality.


    For purposes of this code section, both nonprofit charitable organizations and nonprofit civic organizations shall be involved in the study, participation in and appreciation of the visual, performing and literary arts for the Metropolitan Nashville and Davidson County area.

(Ord. 94-993 § 1, 1994; prior code § 2-1-101.64)