§ 2.128.060. Powers and duties.

Latest version.
  • In order to carry out and facilitate the historical commission's general purpose, it shall be authorized to do the following things:


    To attempt to locate, collect and preserve historical material that it may consider relevant to the history of Davidson County;


    To conduct its affairs, hold legal title to any personalty or realty, and make appropriate arrangements for the purchase, preservation, promotion and use of any material, both real and personal, and to do such as an agency of the metropolitan government, as provided by the Metropolitan Charter;


    To receive and expend any money allocated to it by the metropolitan government, or donated to it to be used for the purposes herein stated;


    To make application to the internal revenue service, asking that its character be classified charitable;


    To ascertain and certify any evaluation of gifts, bequests and devices where requested and whenever possible;


    To cooperate with appropriate officials and agencies in preserving records, archives and historic buildings, and in the erection of monuments, markers, etc.;


    To sponsor the preparation and publication of histories, guidebooks and similar material, and to take any other actions which it considers necessary and proper in the furtherance of the board aims as set forth in this chapter;


    To endeavor to arouse interest in the history of the area by operating with schools, clubs and other interested organizations;


    To sponsor lectures, tours, exhibits and displays, and it may utilize any and all media of communication, such as newspapers, radio and television, in the accomplishments of its purposes;


    To lend its assistance and cooperation to the Tennessee Historical Society, the Tennessee Historical Commission, the Official Historian of Tennessee, the historian of Davidson County, and other duly constituted historical bodies and individuals in the pursuit of such common goals as may fall within the broad purpose of this commission.


    To serve as liaison to the Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation, Division of Archeology, to facilitate the preservation of sites and artifacts found on public property as required by Tennessee Code Annotated Section 11-6-107.

(Amdt. 1 to Ord. BL2011-834 § 1, 2011; Ord. BL2011-834 § 1, 2011; prior code § 2-1-101)