§ 2.132.040. Officers and committees—Employment of staff.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    The human relations commission shall elect its own chair and vice-chair by majority vote. The chair and vice-chair shall be voting members of the commission. Officers shall serve one-year terms. There shall be a three term limit for officers. The commission may create and appoint task forces and committees it deems appropriate to carry out its functions. When appropriate for purposes of investigating and adjudicating complaints, cases will be assigned to panels consisting of three commission members. The commission chair and vice-chair will appoint commissioners to panels and provide administrative oversight of panels; they will not themselves serve on the panels. Each panel shall choose its own chair on a case-by-case basis.


    The work of the commission shall be managed by an executive director, who shall be appointed by and serve at the pleasure of the commission. The commission shall employ such other persons as may be necessary to carry out the educational, administrative and investigative work of the commission and as may be within the limits of its budget appropriation.


    The responsibilities of the commission staff, under the direction of the executive director, include managing commission records and accounts, developing public education programs, providing training for commission members, managing citizen complaints, seeking additional private-sector funding for the commission, facilitating commission scheduling and communication, and any other tasks needed to help the commission perform its functions.

(Ord. 94-1129 § 1 (part), 1994)