§ 2.196.020. Definitions.  

Latest version.
  • As used in this chapter, unless the context otherwise requires:

    "Administrative action" means the taking of any recommendation, report or nonministerial action, the making of any decision or taking any action to postpone any action or decision, action of the mayor in approving or vetoing any ordinance or resolution, the promulgation of a rule and regulation, or any action of a quasi-legislative nature, by an official in the executive branch.

    "Association" means a union, league, chamber of commerce, committee, club, or other membership organization;

    "Candidate for public office" means an individual who has made a formal announcement of his candidacy or qualified under the law of this state to seek nomination for election or elections to any metropolitan government office, or has received contributions or made expenditures except for incidental expenditures to determine if one shall be a candidate, or has given his consent for a campaign committee to receive contributions or make expenditures with a view to bringing about his nomination for election or the election to metro government office, and any individual who has been nominated for appointment as an official in the legislative or executive branch.

    "Compensation" means any salary received or to be received by anyone acting as a lobbyist, whether in the form of a fee or salary, and any combination thereof. Compensation does not include the salary of an individual whose lobbying is incidental to his regular employment.

    "Executive agency" means a commission, board, agency or other body in the metropolitan government that is not a part of the legislative or judicial branch.

    "Expenditure" means any advance, conveyance, deposit, distribution, transfer of funds, loan, payment, pledge or subscription of money or anything of value, and any contract, agreement, promise or other obligation, whether or not legally enforceable, to make an expenditure; "expenditure" also includes any honorarium.

    "Gift" means a payment, honorarium, subscription, loan, advance, forbearance, rendering or deposit of money or services, any of which are valued at fifty dollars or more, unless consideration of equal or greater value is received. "Gift" does not include a political contribution otherwise reported as required by law, a commercially reasonable loan made in the ordinary course of business, or a gift received from a member of the person's immediate family or from a relative within the third degree of consanguinity of the person or of the person's spouse, or from the spouse of any such relative. "Gift" does not include the waiver of a registration fee for a conference or educational seminar. A "gift" to an officer or employee of the executive branch of metro government means a payment, honorarium, subscription, loan, advance, forbearance, rendering or deposit of money or services, any of which are valued at twenty-five dollars or more, unless consideration of equal or greater value is received.

    "Honorarium" means payment of money or anything of value for an appearance, speech or article, but "honorarium" does not include actual and necessary travel expenses which are not paid or reimbursed.

    "Immediate family" means a spouse or minor child living in the household.

    "Influencing legislative or administrative action" means promoting, supporting, influencing, modifying, opposing or delaying any legislative or administrative action by any means, including but not limited to the provision or use of information, statistics, studies or analyses, but not including the furnishing of information, statistics, studies or analyses requested by an official of the legislative or executive branch to such official, or the giving of testimony by an individual testifying at an official hearing conducted by officials of the legislative or executive branch.

    "Legislative action" means introduction, sponsorship, debate voting or any other nonministerial official action or nonaction on any ordinance, resolution, amendment, nomination, appointment, report or any other matter pending or proposed in a council committee or in the council.

    "Lobby" means to communicate, directly or indirectly, with any official in the legislative branch or executive branch for pay or for any consideration, for the purpose of influencing any legislative action or administrative action.

    "Lobbyist" means any person who engages in lobbying.

    "Ministerial action" means an action that a person performs in a prescribed manner in obedience to the mandate of legal authority, without regard to, or the exercise of, his own judgment upon the propriety of the action being taken.

    "Official in the executive branch" means any member or employee of a commission, agency or other body in the executive branch who takes any administrative action.

    "Official in the legislative branch" means any member, member-elect, any staff person or employee of the council.

    "Person" means an individual, partnership, committee, association, corporation, labor organization, or any other organization or group of persons.

    "Political contribution" means any amount of more than one hundred dollars, in the form of an advance, conveyance, deposit, distribution, transfer of funds, loan, payment, pledge, purchase of a ticket to a testimonial or similar fundraising event, or subscription of money or anything of value, in connection with a political campaign, and any contract, agreement, promise or other obligation, whether or not legally enforceable, to make a political contribution; however, "political contribution" does not mean volunteer services or personal expenses.

(Ord. 91-1484 § 2, 1991)