§ 2.196.030. Administration of provisions—Powers and duties.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    This chapter shall be administered by the metropolitan clerk. It shall be the duty of the metropolitan clerk:


    To prescribe forms for statements, reports and other information required to be filed by this chapter, and to furnish such forms to persons required to file such statements, reports and information;


    To prepare and publish a manual setting forth prescribed forms and procedures to assist persons required to file statements by this chapter;


    To preserve such statements, reports and other information required to be filed by this chapter for a period of five years from date of receipt;


    To develop a filing, coding and cross-indexing system consonant with the purposes of this chapter;


    To seek from the director of law, issue, and publish, upon proper request from any lobbyist or public official, advisory opinions upon the requirements of this chapter;


    To accept and file any information voluntarily supplied that exceeds the requirements of this chapter;


    To make statements and other information filed with him available for public inspection and copying during regular office hours, and to make copying facilities available at a charge not to exceed actual cost;


    To prepare and publish such reports as may be deemed appropriate; and


    To promulgate any rules and regulations as may be appropriate for the administration of this chapter.


    It shall be the duty of the director of law to render opinions and give counsel to the metropolitan clerk upon request.

(Ord. 91-1484 § 3, 1991)