§ 2.196.040. Registration—Required when—Term—Fee.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    1. Every person qualifying as a lobbyist under this chapter shall register by filing a form prescribed by the metropolitan clerk within five days after becoming a lobbyist, as defined in Section 2.196.020.


    Any person who registers as a lobbyist, as defined in Section 1.196.020, shall furnish written proof of his authority to lobby on behalf of each employer to the metropolitan clerk before doing any lobbying.


    At the time of registration, each individual shall pay an annual filing fee of fifty dollars for each person for whom such individual registers as a lobbyist. Any lobbyist who is an official of the executive or judicial branch shall register, but shall be exempt from such fee. All fees collected by the metropolitan clerk shall be paid into the general fund of the general services district.


    The registration year shall run from January 1st through December 31st.


    A person need not register with the metropolitan clerk pursuant to this section if he is:


    A public official performing the duties of his office;


    A person, or a duly licensed attorney-at-law acting in a representative capacity on behalf of a client, appearing before an official in the executive branch for the purpose of determining or obtaining his legal rights and obligations by presenting evidence, making oral arguments, or submitting written briefs to the official; or


    An editor or working member of the press, radio or television who, in the ordinary course of business, disseminates news or editorial comment to the general public.


    Registration is required if such person engages in lobbying that would directly or specifically benefit the economic, business or professional interest of such person or his employer.

(Ord. BL2010-821 § 1, 2011; Ord. 91-1484 § 4, 1991)