§ 2.196.060. Lobbying report requirements.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    Every person registered under this chapter shall file annually with the metropolitan clerk a sworn report concerning his lobbying activities. Such report shall be filed no later than January 30th of the following year.


    Such report shall be written and shall contain the following:


    A report detailing the extent of any direct business arrangement or partnership with any candidate for public office, and any official in the legislative or executive branch;


    An itemized list, by date, beneficiary, amount and circumstance of the transaction, of each gift of fifty dollars or more and each political contribution of more than one hundred dollars made by the registrant or anyone acting at the specific direction of the registrant to benefit a candidate for public office, an official in the legislative branch, a member of his staff or immediate family, or a campaign committee or testimonial committee established for the benefit of a candidate for public office or such official. Such report shall also contain an itemized list by date, beneficiary, amount and circumstance of the transaction of each gift of twenty-five dollars or more and each political contribution of more than one hundred dollars made by the registrant or anyone acting at the specific direction of the registrant to benefit an official in the executive branch, a member of his staff or immediate family, or a campaign committee or testimonial committee established for the benefit of such official;


    An itemized list, by dates, beneficiaries, amounts and circumstances of the transactions, of gifts or expenditures with a cumulative total of more than five hundred dollars during the reporting period made by a registrant or anyone acting at the specific direction of the registrant to benefit an official in the legislative branch; and


    Any cumulative total of more than fifty dollars of expenditures during a single week to benefit an official in the legislative branch.


    Events where invitations are extended to the entire membership of the council shall be exempt from the reporting requirements of this section.


    In determining the threshold for the reporting levels required by this chapter of an event attended by more than one official of the legislative branch, a staff member, or immediate family member, a lobbyist may attribute only the actual cost for any gift or expenditure to each such official or member in attendance.


    Any person providing funds to make a gift or expenditure other than a political contribution for the purpose of lobbying shall comply with the reporting requirements of this section whenever the purpose of such funds is to assist indirectly an official of the executive or legislative or judicial branch, or any state educational institution to lobby a specific program or programs on which legislative action is pending. Such person shall also report the source and amount of the funds which such gift or expenditure is made.


    When the employer of a lobbyist makes a gift or an expenditure to an official in the legislative branch, and the lobbyist has no prior actual knowledge of such gift or expenditure, such lobbyist shall not be responsible for including such gift or expenditure in the reports required by this chapter.

(Ord. 91-1484 § 6, 1991)