§ 2.196.080. Unlawful activities designated.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    No lobbyist or anyone acting at the specific direction of a lobbyist shall offer or attempt to offer anything of value to an official in the legislative or executive branch, or to his immediate family, based on any stated or tacit understanding that the official's vote, official action or judgment would be influenced thereby.


    No lobbyist shall knowingly or wilfully make or cause to be made any false statement or misrepresentation of the facts concerning any matter for which he is registered to lobby to any official in the legislative or executive branch.


    No official in the legislative or executive branch or a member of his staff or immediate family shall solicit or accept anything of value in violation of subsection A of this section.


    No lobbyist shall make a loan of money to any candidates for public office, officials in the legislative or executive branch, or to anyone on their behalf.


    No candidate for public office, official in the legislative or executive branch, or a member of his staff or immediate family, shall solicit or accept a loan in violation of subsection D of this section.


    No lobbyist or anyone acting at the direction of a lobbyist shall pay or agree to pay an official in the legislative or executive branch compensation for property or services substantially in excess of that charged in the ordinary course of business.


    No lobbyist or anyone acting at the specific direction of a lobbyist shall permit an official in the legislative or executive branch, or a staff member or a member of the official's immediate family, to use the credit or credit card or that of a lobbyist's employer or any other credit or credit card over which the lobbyist has control, unless the lobbyist attends the meal or other activity in which the official, staff member or immediate family member participates.

(Ord. 91-1484 § 7, 1991)