§ 2.214.040. Response to request for auxiliary aid or service.  

Latest version.
  • When an auxiliary aid or service is required to ensure effective communication, the metropolitan government will provide an opportunity for an individual with disabilities to request the auxiliary aid or service of their choice and will give primary consideration to the choice expressed by the individual. "Primary consideration" means that the metropolitan government will honor the choice, unless another equally effective means of communication is available, or that use of the means chosen would result in a fundamental alteration in the service, program, or activity or in undue financial burden. When the responsible ADA contact person is deciding whether an alternative means of communication will ensure effective communication, the ADA contact person will consult with the individual with a disability in order to determine the nature of the requirement for an auxiliary aid or service, that is, in what ways effective communication can be achieved with the individual with a disability in the context of the Government program, service, or activity. The ADA contact person may ask the individual with a disability for technical assistance and information on how to obtain a particular auxiliary aid or service.

    Within forty-eight hours after the request, the departmental ADA contact person will notify, in writing, the requesting individual with a disability of the proposed auxiliary aid or service to be provided. A copy of the proposal will be sent to the metropolitan government ADA coordinator.

(Ord. BL2000-403 § 1, 2000)