§ 4.40.050. Recycled paper.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    Declaration of policy. It is declared to be the policy of the metropolitan government that the metropolitan government and all its agencies use recycled paper to the extent feasible and possible.


    Implementation by Purchasing Agent—Goals. The purchasing agent shall implement a policy of purchasing paper and paper products that are produced or manufactured from recycled paper for the use of the various agencies and departments of metropolitan government. "Recycled paper" means all paper and paper products that contain a minimum of ten post-consumer waste but meet the government's performance and other requirements. This policy recognizes that the percentage of recovered materials used in a particular type of paper or product category can vary significantly.


    Report. The purchasing agent shall annually, by August 31st, report in writing to the standards board and the council concerning his efforts toward the goals and the results.

(Ord. 2002-1232 § 3 (part), 2002; Amdt. 3 to Ord. 92-210, 4/7/92; Ord. 92-210 § 1 (10-202), 1992)