§ 4.46.080. Good faith efforts.  

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  • A.

    Good Faith Efforts. In addition to regular and customary solicitation processes for contacting potential subcontractors and/or vendors, all Bidders are required to:


    Make efforts to include MWBEs in the procurement process;


    Make efforts to ensure that businesses are not discriminated against on the basis of race, ethnicity or gender;


    Ensure that prospective subcontractors, vendors, suppliers and others are not denied opportunities to compete for work for the Metropolitan Government on the basis of their race, ethnicity, or gender;


    Afford all firms, including those owned by racial or ethnic minorities and women, opportunities to participate in the performance of the business of the Metropolitan Government to the extent of their availability, capacity and willingness to compete;


    Demonstrate compliance with these Program requirements with appropriate documentation submitted with their Bids;


    Maintain for a minimum of three years after completion of the contract and final payment detailed records of all correspondence and responses thereto, logs of all telephone calls made and received regarding Metropolitan Government solicitations, copies of advertisements in publications and other media, and other relevant papers required by the Program or Section 4.12.180.


    Methods of Demonstrating Good Faith Efforts. Bidders shall demonstrate Good Faith Efforts by demonstrating efforts that may include, but are not limited to, the following:


    Attending informational meetings to update potential subcontractors or vendors of subcontracting or supply opportunities.


    Dividing the contract, in accordance with normal industry practice, into small, economically feasible segments that could be performed by a MWBE. Under no circumstances, however, shall a Bidder segment work solely for the purpose of utilizing MWBEs as subcontractors where such segmentation is not in accordance with common and accepted industry practices relating to the utilization of other firms as subcontractors.


    Providing a written explanation for rejection of any potential subcontractor or vendor to the Bidder, including the name of the firm awarded the subcontract or supply agreement. The BAO will maintain these records and make same available to any subcontractor or vendor rejected by the Bidder.


    Providing a non-discriminatory work site. Maintaining a work environment free of harassment, intimidation and coercion at all construction sites, offices and other facilities at which the Bidder's employees are assigned to work. The Bidder shall specifically ensure that all labor supervisors, superintendents, and other on-site supervisory personnel are aware of and carry out the Bidder's obligation to maintain a non-discriminatory work environment.


    Soliciting specific individual MWBEs whose availability as potential sources of goods or services can be reasonably ascertained. This measure includes sending letters or making other personal contacts with specific certified MWBEs including those that the Bidder has contracted with in the past as well as other MWBEs with which the Bidder may be unfamiliar, but whose identities can be ascertained from a directory of certified MWBEs maintained by the BAO.


    Sending letters or making other personal contacts with other programs as well as private trade associations in the MSA which are known to publicize contracting and procurement opportunities for the benefit of their respective associates and/or members.


    Advertising in trade publications of general circulation in the MSA. The advertisement shall identify and describe the specific subcontracting or other opportunity in reasonable detail.


    Following up initial solicitations by contacting potential subcontractors or vendors to determine, with certainty, whether these firms are interested in participating on the contract.


    Thoroughly investigating the potential subcontractor or vendor's capabilities in good faith.


    Providing reasonable assistance to a MWBE in need of equipment, supplies, bonding, letters of credit and/or insurance.


    Providing reasonable technical assistance to MWBEs to ameliorate any deficiencies of technical knowledge or advance skill, where such assistance is undertaken by the Bidder to facilitate the MWBE's successful participation on a project or contract.

(Ord. BL2008-161 § 1, 2008)