§ 4.48.030. General standards of ethical conduct.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    General Ethical Standards for Employees. Each employee of the metropolitan government shall avoid any action, whether or not specifically prohibited by this code, which might result in, or create the appearance of:


    Using public office for private gain;


    Giving preferential treatment to any person;


    Impeding government efficiency or economy;


    Losing complete independence or impartiality;


    Making a Metropolitan government decision outside of official channels; or


    Affecting adversely the confidence of the public in the integrity of the government.


    Specific Standards. In order to fulfill this general prescribed standard, employees must also meet the specific standards set forth in Section 4.48.050, employee conflict of interest; Section 4.48.060, Employee disclosure requirements; Section 4.48.070, Gratuities and kickbacks; Section 4.48.080, Prohibition against contingent fees; Section 4.48.090, Restrictions on employment of present and former employees and Section 4.48.100, Use of official information.


    General Ethical Standards for Nonemployees. Any effort to influence any public employee to breach the standards of ethical conduct set forth in this section and Sections 4.48.050 through 4.48.100 of this chapter is also a breach of ethical standards.

(Ord. BL2016-526 § 1, 2017; Ord. 92-210 § 1 (12-202), 1992)