§ 6.20.150. Duties of electrical contractors, equipment contractors and low-voltage contractors.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    Every person holding an electrical contractor's registration, equipment contractor's registration or low-voltage contractor's registration shall conform strictly to the Metropolitan Electrical Code and applicable ordinances. Before any person, firm or corporation shall engage in the business of electrical contracting, equipment contracting or low-voltage contracting as herein defined, that person or entity shall comply with all other applicable ordinances of the Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County.


    It shall be the responsibility of the electrical, equipment contractor or low-voltage contractor to install all work for which a permit is required in accordance with all requirements of the Metropolitan Electrical code and all other applicable ordinances of the metropolitan government.


    No electrical work shall be begun until a permit has been obtained by the master electrician, equipment installer or low-voltage wiring installer.


    1. The electrical contractor, equipment contractor or low-voltage contractor shall register with the department of codes administration the following:


    Name of the business, business street address, zip code, local telephone or toll-free number and individual's name, as required in subsection B of Section 6.20.130;


    Name of the licensed master electrician, equipment installer or low-voltage wiring installer, business street address, zip code and local telephone number where the master electrician, equipment installer or low-voltage wiring installer may be contacted during normal working hours.


    A copy of the above shall be kept at all times in the office of the department of codes administration.


    1. It shall be the responsibility of the electrical contractor, equipment contractor or low-voltage contractor to furnish to the department of codes administration a permit bond in the amount of forty thousand dollars, conditioned to conform to the requirements of this chapter and all applicable laws, ordinances, rules, and regulations of the metropolitan government relating to work which is performed by the principal pursuant to a permit issued under this bond, or for work performed by the principal for which a permit should have been obtained prior to the commencement of such activity; and to indemnify the metropolitan government and property owners against any and all loss suffered by them by reason of the failure of such contractor to comply with such laws, ordinances, rules and regulations. Such bond shall be continuous and may not be canceled without at least ten days' prior notice, in writing, to the director of codes administration. The liability of the surety shall continue to attach to work performed pursuant to any permit issued prior to the termination date of the bond, even if the noncomplying act should occur after the termination date of the bond. The liability of the surety for any and all claims, suits or actions under this bond shall not exceed the bond penalty of forty thousand dollars. Regardless of the number of years this bond may remain in force, the liability of the surety shall not be cumulative and the aggregate liability of the surety for any and all claims, suits or actions under this bond shall not exceed forty thousand dollars. The bond shall be issued by a U.S. Treasury-listed corporate surety or a Tennessee domestic insurance company on forms provided by the department of codes administration.


    The conformance bond shall be submitted with the required application for registration or within one hundred twenty days of the adoption of the ordinance codified herein for existing registered electrical contractors and existing registered electrical equipment contractors.


    It shall be the responsibility of the electrical contractor, equipment contractor or low-voltage contractor to furnish to the department of codes administration a certificate of general liability insurance issued by a Tennessee-licensed company which provides a minimum of three hundred thousand dollars per occurrence with combined single limit bodily injury and property damage coverage. The certificate of insurance may not be canceled without at least thirty days' prior notice, in writing, to the director of codes administration. The certificate of insurance must be submitted with the required application for registration.


    It shall be the responsibility of the electrical contractor, equipment contractor or low-voltage contractor to furnish to the department of codes administration proof that all required privilege licenses have been obtained.


    An electrical contractor, equipment contractor or low-voltage contractor shall not furnish permits for electrical work to any person, firm or corporation other than his/her own. All work done under any permit shall be performed under the supervision of the licensed master electrician, equipment installer or low-voltage wiring installer who obtained the permit. Work for which the permit is required cannot be subcontracted under any condition to other than a registered electrical contractor, equipment contractor or low-voltage contractor, who shall obtain his/her own permit.


    1. It shall be the responsibility of the electrical contractor, equipment contractor or low-voltage contractor to promptly notify in writing any other electrical contractor, equipment contractor or low-voltage contractor who proposes to hire or engage him/her to perform any work for which an electrical permit is required of the following:


    All parties who contract to perform work for which an electrical permit is required must be registered electrical contractors, equipment contractors or low-voltage wiring contractors;


    All parties who contract to perform work for which an electrical permit is required must employ the full-time services of a licensed master electrician, equipment contractor or low-voltage wiring installer.


    A copy of the written notification shall be provided to the department of codes administration upon written request from the department of codes administration.


    Each electrical contractor, equipment contractor or low-voltage contractor shall promptly notify in writing the party with whom he/she has contracted for electrical work of any known defects in electrical plans or specifications prepared by others.


    Each electrical contractor, equipment contractor or low-voltage contractor shall maintain for a period of two years a file of all deficiencies in work, as identified to him/her in writing by representatives of the department of codes administration or by the master electrician, equipment installer or low-voltage wiring installer. It shall be the responsibility of the electrical contractor, equipment contractor or low-voltage contractor to assist the master electrician, equipment installer or low-voltage wiring installer in promptly correcting all deficiencies in work.


    Each electrical contractor, equipment contractor or low-voltage contractor shall instruct all of his/her employees to immediately identify themselves and produce proper identification when requested by representatives of the department of codes administration. Failure of persons performing electrical work to identify themselves upon request shall be cause for placing a stop work order on the project.


    It shall be the responsibility of the electrical contractor, equipment contractor or low-voltage contractor to produce payroll and other records when requested in writing by the metropolitan board of electrical examiners and appeals. Such records shall show the names of the individuals and the calendar dates when work was performed on all projects for which a permit is required.


    All vehicles utilized by a metropolitan electrical contractor, equipment contractor or low-voltage contractor and/or the employees thereof shall have conspicuously painted on the sides of such vehicles in a contrasting color the following information:


    The full name of the firm to which the vehicle belongs, in lettering of at least three inches;


    The registration number of the metropolitan electrical contractor, equipment contractor or low-voltage contractor, in lettering of at least two inches;


    The wording "Nashville, Tennessee" in lettering of at least two inches.


    In the event vehicles are leased by a metropolitan electrical contractor, equipment contractor or low-voltage contractor, such leased vehicle, in lieu of the painting thereon of the information required by subsection N of this section, may be equipped with securely attached temporary signs placed on both sides thereof which comply with the requirements of subsection N above.


    Failure to comply with any of the duties listed above shall constitute grounds for suspension or revocation of the electrical contractor's registration, equipment contractor's registration or low-voltage contractor's registration.

(Ord. 94-1226 § 1, 1994; Ord. 91-1558 § 22, 1991; prior code § 14-1-74)