§ 6.26.150. Reservation of rights.  

Latest version.
  • The metropolitan government reserves the right to exercise its police and/or proprietary powers to modify, vacate or transfer any right-of-way in use by grantee for a public purpose. At grantee's own risk, the metropolitan government has the predominant right to use its right-of-way in the placement, maintenance and repair of sewers, water mains and other public utilities or to relocate or remove grantee's system where the metropolitan government determines that the public convenience and/or necessity would be enhanced or for any other public purpose, including, but not limited to the use of any right-of-way used by grantee for public transportation purposes or where the director of public works determines there is an emergency. The permits referred to in Section 6.26.040 may be amended or revoked in whole or in part by the issuing department whenever such action is necessary or advisable for a public purpose. Grantee shall make no claims for costs or damages against the metropolitan government by reason of such removal or relocation. Upon thirty days' written notice to grantee of partial or complete revocation of such permit from the director of public works, grantee shall remove, modify, replace or relocate its facilities as required at its own expense. In the event grantee does not remove, modify, replace or relocate its facilities as required by said notice within thirty days as aforesaid, the director of public works may cause the same to be done at grantee's expense and all expenses incurred or damages paid by the metropolitan government on account of such action shall be paid by grantee on demand. Grantee shall remove, replace or modify, at its own expense, the installation of any of its facilities as may be deemed necessary by any other appropriate governmental authority to meet such authority's proper responsibilities. In the event the metropolitan government exercises its predominant right to use any right-of-way used by grantee for a public purpose, the metropolitan government shall reasonably cooperate with grantee in finding an alternate site for any telecommunications facilities removed and in avoiding disruption to grantee's telecommunications system to the extent not reasonably required by the metropolitan government. In an emergency, as determined by the director of public works, the metropolitan government may order grantee to remove or relocate its facilities within forty-eight hours. If the metropolitan government exercises any of its rights pursuant to this section, grantee shall have the option, upon notice to the director of information services, of abandoning the portion of its telecommunications system to be so removed or relocated and deleting such portion from the public right-of-way.

(Amdt. 1(13) to Ord. 94-1103, 7/19/94; Ord. 94-1103 § 15, 1994)