§ 6.26.160. Protection of trees.  

Latest version.
  • Trimming of trees and shrubbery within the public right-of-way to prevent contact with grantee's facilities shall be done only in accordance with the standards approved by the urban forester in accordance with the ordinances of the metropolitan government. Removal or pruning of any tree or shrub shall only be done upon issuance of a permit by the urban forester. When trees or shrubs in the public right-of-way are damaged as a result of work undertaken by or on behalf of grantee, grantee shall pay the metropolitan government within thirty days of submission of a statement by the metropolitan government, the cost of any treatment required to preserve the tree or shrub and/or cost for removal and replacement of the tree or shrub with landscaping of equal value and/or the value of the tree or shrub prior to the damage or removal, as determined by the urban forester or other authorized agent of the metropolitan government.

(Ord. 94-1103 § 16, 1994)