§ 6.54.040. Application for license.  

Latest version.
  • A.



    Any person, partnership, limited partnership, joint venture, corporation or any other type of business entity desiring to secure a license shall make application to the board. The applicant shall file the original application with six copies. The original application shall be dated by the board and held in the files of the board. A copy of the application shall be distributed the next business day by the board to: the police department, the department of codes administration, the health department, and the applicant.


    Application forms shall be available at the office of the board.


    The application form shall include all the information indicated in subdivisions (5)(a) through (5)(l) of this subsection.


    The following persons must be listed in the license application for any sexually oriented business that is a corporate entity of any kind: the registered agent and the name and address of all officers and directors of the corporation, and any stockholder holding a majority controlling percentage of the stock of a corporate applicant and who will be involved in the day-to-day operation and management of the business. The following persons must be listed in the license application for any sexually oriented business that is a partnership, limited partnership, joint venture, or any other type of business: the name and address of all persons who will be involved in the day-to-day operation and management of the business.


    The applicant shall furnish the following information under oath:


    Name and address of the applicant, including all aliases (business address is sufficient);


    Proof of the applicant's date of birth demonstrating that the applicant is at least eighteen years of age;


    All residential addresses of the applicant for the past three years (for the purpose of facilitating the police investigation into the applicant's criminal background regarding crimes of a sexual nature);


    Whether the applicant previously operated in this or any other county, city or state under a sexually oriented business/adult entertainment license/permit. Whether the applicant has ever had such a license/permit revoked or suspended, within the last year from the date of application, the reason therefor, and the business entity or trade name under which the applicant operated that was subject to the suspension or revocation;


    All convictions for crimes of a sexual nature, as defined in Section 6.54.010, punishable as a misdemeanor violation that have occurred within the past two years. All convictions for crimes of a sexual nature, as defined in Section 6.54.010, punishable as a felony that have occurred within the past five years;


    All judgments by a court within one year for violations of the metropolitan zoning Section 17.64.260;


    Fingerprints and two photographs at least two inches by two inches of the applicant (for the purpose of facilitating the police investigation into the applicant's criminal background regarding crimes of a sexual nature);


    The address of the sexually oriented business to be operated by the applicant;


    If the applicant is a corporation, the application shall specify the name of the corporation, the date and state of incorporation, the name and address of the registered agent and the name and address of all officers and directors of the corporation, and any stockholder holding a majority controlling percentage of the stock of a corporate applicant and who will be involved in the day-to-day operation of the business;


    If the applicant is a partnership, joint venture, or any other type of business, the application shall specify the name and address of all persons who will be involved in the day-to-day operation of the business;


    A statement by the applicant that he/she is familiar with the provisions of this chapter and a statement swearing that information provided on the application is true and accurate.


    The applicant shall provide the board with his/her application, a diagram, drawn to scale of the premises, including the location and layout of all booths and stages and the location of the clerk/manager's stand or counter. Though the diagram shall be drawn to scale, it does not have to be professionally prepared.


    If any of the information on the application changes over the course of the time for which the license is issued, including any changes in the physical layout of the premises, the licensee shall inform the board, in writing, of the changes.


    Inspections and Investigations.


    The codes department shall, upon receipt of a copy of the application, inspect the premises to insure that the establishment complies with the unique physical layout requirements set out in Section 6.54.050(A)(1), 6.54.050(A)(3) and 6.54.130(C) of this chapter. The health department shall inspect the premises to insure compliance with applicable health code statutes, ordinances, and regulations. The police department shall investigate the applicant's criminal history collecting the applicant's fingerprints and 2 ( 2 photo either by performing these functions or by reviewing these items which were provided by the applicant and by performing a background investigation for crimes of a sexual nature. The results of both the inspections and the investigation shall be filed in writing with the board no later than twenty days after the date the application was filed with the board. Any inspection or investigation information not filed with the board in the time period specified shall not prevent the applicant from receiving the license and shall be treated by the board as if the report revealed no violations of applicable statutes, ordinances, or regulations, no violations of the provisions of this chapter, no sexually-oriented business/adult entertainment zoning code violations and/or no applicable criminal history.


    The code department shall confirm that any booths or stages conform with the submitted diagram and the requirements set out in Sections 6.54.050A and 6.54.130.


    The police department shall complete its investigation and the codes department and health department shall complete their respective inspections and shall communicate the results to the board in writing within twenty days of receipt of the application. The written investigation from the codes department and health department shall end with substantially one of the following statements:

    The location at ___________ complies with Chapter 6.54 and the applicable health code sections of the Metropolitan Code.

    The location at ___________ does not comply with Chapter 6.54 and the applicable health code sections of the Metropolitan Code. It is in violation of the following provisions: Section numbers of code violations.

    The writing from the police department shall end with substantially the following statement:

      The police department's criminal record check indicates that the persons listed on the application have/have not committed a crime of a sexual nature within the past five years. The persons listed on the application have committed the following crimes of a sexual nature:

    Name   Crime   Date


    If the building/structure has a valid use and occupancy permit, the applicant shall provide the board with a copy of the valid use and occupancy permit which shall be made part of the file.


    Board Action on Inspection and Investigation Results.


    Within fifteen days of receiving the results of the investigation conducted by the police department and the inspections by the codes department, and health department the board will meet and determine if the applicant is in compliance with this chapter and the applicable health statutes, ordinances and regulations.


    If the board determines that the applicant is in compliance with this chapter, the applicable health statutes, ordinances and regulations, and the applicant has not committed a crime of a sexual nature, as defined in Section 6.54.010, is at least eighteen years of age, and has not given any false or misleading information on the application or omitted any material facts from the application, then the board shall grant the license. False or misleading information does not include information which the applicant reasonably believed, after exercising due diligence, was correct at the time of the application.


    If the board fails to meet within the specified time period, fails to have a quorum, or fails to take action on the application within the specified time period, then the license shall be deemed approved and sent to the applicant by United States Mail to the address listed on the application within two days of the events described in this paragraph.


    In the event the board denied the application in accordance with the provisions of this chapter, such denial and the reason for the denial shall be mailed to the applicant the next business day after the board meeting reviewing the results of the investigation and inspections.


    If it is determined by the board, using the application and the inspection reports that the applicant has violated the provisions of the zoning code applicable to sexually oriented/adult entertainment businesses within the past two years, then the applicant is ineligible for a license for one year from the date the citation was sustained. A violation of the zoning code shall be evidenced by a judgment of a court. The fact that the judgment is being appealed shall have no effect on the disqualification of the applicant unless the judgment is stayed.


    Any investigation reports or inspection reports not filed with the board in the time period specified in this section shall not prevent the applicant from receiving his/her license and shall be treated by the board as if that department approved the application.


    If the board determines that the actual structure does not comply with Section 6.54.050(A) or the submitted diagram, then the applicant is not in compliance with this Code section and the license shall be denied in accordance with Section 6.54.050(A) and (B).


    If in the course of the investigation it is discovered any false or misleading statement or information was given on the application, or material facts were omitted from the application, the board shall deny the application in accordance with Section 6.54.050(B)(3). False or misleading information does not include information which the applicant reasonably believed, after exercising due diligence, was correct at the time of the application.


    Within fifteen days of receiving the results of the investigation conducted by the police department, and inspection reports from the codes department, and health department, if the board shall determine that the applicant is not in compliance with this chapter, the zoning code or the applicable health statutes, ordinances and regulations, the applicant shall be notified in writing, the next business day, that the license is denied for failing to comply with applicable statutes, ordinances and regulations. This notice shall specify the violation. If the applicant can come into compliance as described in subsection D of this section, the denial shall not take effect. The notice shall also specify that the applicant may request a hearing within five days, cure the violation within fifteen days and request reinspection or request an extension of time.


    The board has the discretion to hold any application for further investigation if: (a) the initial investigation requires investigation into out-of-state records; or (b) verification of out-of-state employment relating to a sexually oriented business or a sexually oriented business license/permit or similar business license/permit is needed. Such additional investigation shall not exceed an additional ten days from the end of the initial fifteen days specified in subsection (C)(1) of this section, unless otherwise agreed to by the applicant.


    Whenever an application is denied or held for further investigation, the board shall advise the applicant in writing the next business day of the reasons for such action. Upon conclusion of the additional investigation, the board shall advise the applicant in writing the next business day whether the application is granted or denied.


    Failure or refusal of the applicant to give any information relevant to the investigation of the application, or his/her refusal or failure to appear at a reasonable time and place for examination under oath regarding such application or his/her refusal to submit to or cooperate with any investigation required by this chapter, shall constitute an admission by the applicant that he/she is ineligible for such license and shall be grounds for denial thereof by the board. This in no way requires the applicant to agree to additional time extensions beyond that allowed in subsection (C)(10) of this section.


    Extensions of Time for the Applicant.


    If the license is denied, the applicant may reinstate his/her application by notifying the board in writing that he/she has come into compliance and requests reinspection.


    The applicant has fifteen days from the mailing of the denial to cure the violation and notify the board or to request an extension pursuant to subsection (D)(2) of this section. The applicant has the responsibility to contact the board.


    Once contacted, the board shall notify the appropriate inspector the next business day that the applicant believes he/she has come into compliance.


    Upon notification by the board, the appropriate inspector shall return to the location for reinspection and shall submit another written report as indicated in subsection (B)(3) of this section. The inspector has five days from the date he/she was notified by the board to reinspect the premises and inform the board as to whether the applicant has come into compliance in the same manner described in subsection (B)(3) of this section and using the same language required in subsection (B)(3) of this section.


    Based on the report of the inspector(s), the board shall determine if the applicant has come into compliance, and if so the board shall issue the license at the next regular meeting. The next meeting shall be held no later than fifteen days after the inspection report is filed with the board. Any inspections not filed with the board in the time period specified in this section will be treated as described in subsection (C)(6) of this section.


    If the applicant fails to either contact the appropriate inspector to report that the code violations have been corrected, or if the code violations have not been corrected, then the application will be denied.


    If the process of curing the violation requires more time than that provided in subsection (D)(1) of this section, the applicant may request an extension from the board. If the applicant does not make such a request in the time allotted, the application is denied.


    The request for an extension must be made in writing within fifteen days from the denial.


    The board shall hear the applicant's request for an extension at the next regular meeting. The next meeting shall be held no later than fifteen days after the request for the extension is received by the board.


    The hearing on the extension shall follow the same rules as set out in Section 6.54.020(G) except that the decision of the board shall grant or deny the extension and a decision to grant an extension shall take effect immediately.


    An extension shall only be granted when the codes inspector and the health inspector agree that an extension will not endanger the health or safety of the community and the board determines that the applicant has demonstrated a good faith effort to make the necessary repairs or cure the violation(s) in a timely manner.


    If the applicant fails to follow the procedure set out in this subsection then the application is denied and the applicant must reapply to obtain a license. Following the procedure set out in subsections (D)(1) or (D)(2) of this section requires no additional fees. Once the deadlines to cure the violation or ask for an extension of time have passed, the initial denial shall be treated as a denial of the application.


    Denial of the License Application.


    When an application is denied, the applicant has the right to request a hearing within five days of the board's notification.


    The request shall be in writing and filed with the board within five days of the board's decision.


    The board shall hear all the evidence pertaining to the denial of the application at the next regular meeting. The next meeting shall be held no later than fifteen days after the request described above is mailed.


    At the hearing, the applicant may present evidence as to why his/her application should not be denied. If the applicant fails to appear at the hearing before the board he/she will have waived the right to present evidence to the board. Failing to appear before the board will not preclude the applicant's right to appeal any denial to the circuit or chancery courts of Davidson County.


    The board shall affirm or reject the denial of the application at the hearing and in writing state the reasons for the board's decision.


    The denial of the application shall be mailed by U.S. mail the next business day to the address of the applicant as listed on the application.


    If the board fails to meet within the specified time period, fails to have a quorum, or fails to take action on the application within the specified time period, then the license shall be deemed approved and sent to the applicant by United States Mail to the address listed on the application within two days of that specified time period.


    Any denial of an application for a license may be immediately appealed to the circuit or chancery courts of Davidson County. The metropolitan department of law may institute proceedings for a declaratory judgment. If the applicant chooses to appeal by filing a petition for a writ of certiorari, then the metropolitan government shall file the record of all proceedings with the court within ten days from the date the metropolitan government was served with a petition for a writ of certiorari.


    For an existing sexually oriented business, as defined in Section 6.54.010, any adverse administrative decision that is appealed to any court shall not take effect until that decision has been upheld by the court after adjudication on the merits. If the court fails to rule within forty days of the filing of an appeal, a license shall issue. When the court makes a determination after adjudication on the merits that upholds the administrative denial of the license then that license shall be revoked in accordance with Section 6.54.150(A)(8). Adverse administrative decisions of the board, which are not appealed shall not take effect for sixty days from the date of the decision to allow the affected party time to seek judicial review.


    For a new sexually oriented business, as defined in Section 6.54.010, any adverse administrative decision shall take effect the day the decision is issued by the board. If the adverse administrative decision is appealed to a court, and if the court fails to rule within forty days of the filing of an appeal, a license shall issue. When the court makes a determination after adjudication on the merits that upholds the administrative denial of the license then that license shall be revoked in accordance with Section 6.54.150(A)(8).

(Ord. 99-1814 §§ 9—32, 1999; Amdt. 1 §§ 2, 3 with Ord. 99-1503 §§ 6—30, 1999; Ord. 97-1022 §§ 6—39, 1997; amended during 9-97 supplement; Amdt. 6 § 5 (part) with Ord. 97-796 § 2 (part), 1997)