§ 6.54.150. Revocation or suspension of license/permit.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    The board shall revoke a license for any of the following reasons:


    Discovery that false or misleading information or data was given on an application, or material facts were omitted from an application. False or misleading information does not include information which the applicant reasonably believed, after exercising due diligence, was correct at the time of the application;


    The licensee was or has become ineligible to obtain a license under Section 6.54.050(B);


    Any cost or fee required to be paid by this chapter is not paid;


    The licensee knowingly employs, or with due diligence should have known that licensee was employing, an entertainer who does not have a permit. The licensee knowingly provides, or with the exercise of due diligence should have known the he/she was providing, space on the premises whether by lease or otherwise to an independent contractor who performs or works as an entertainer without a permit;


    The licensee sells, furnishes, gives, displays, or causes to be sold, furnished, given or displayed to any minor any sexually oriented entertainment or sexually oriented material on the licensed premises. The licensee knowingly allows, or thorough the exercise of due diligence should have been able to prevent, the licensee's employee, who is on the premises furthering the business of the licensee, from selling, furnishing, giving, displaying, or causing to be sold, furnished, given or displayed to any minor any sexually oriented entertainment or sexually oriented material on the licensed premises.

    The licensee knowingly allows, or thorough the exercise of due diligence should have been able to prevent, an entertainer to sell, furnish, give, display, or cause to be sold, furnished, given or displayed to any minor any sexually oriented entertainment or sexually oriented material on the licensed premises;


    The licensee knowingly denies, or thorough the exercise of due diligence should have known that he/she was denying, access to law enforcement personnel during business hours to any portion of the licensed premises wherein sexually oriented entertainment is permitted or to any portion of the licensed premises wherein sexually oriented material is displayed or sold.

    The licensee knowingly allows, or thorough the exercise of due diligence should have been able to prevent, his/her employee, who is on the premises furthering the business of the licensee, to deny access to law enforcement personnel during business hours to any portion of the licensed premises wherein sexually oriented entertainment is permitted or to any portion of the licensed premises wherein sexually oriented material is displayed or sold.

    The licensee knowingly allows, or thorough the exercise of due diligence should have been able to prevent an entertainer to deny access to law enforcement personnel during business hours to any portion of the licensed premises wherein sexually oriented entertainment is permitted or to any portion of the licensed premises wherein sexually oriented material is displayed or sold;


    The attempted transfer of a license or any interest in a license;


    If an application for a license or a renewal of a license was denied and that administrative denial was appealed and upheld by a court after adjudication on the merits then that license shall be revoked on the effective date of the court's judgment.


    The licensee fails to maintain the licensed premises in a sanitary and safe condition by allowing continuing violations of Chapter 6.54.

    A continuing violation shall mean more than two judgments from the board, unless the decision of the board is appealed and overturned, that the licensee violated Chapter 6.54 within a twenty-four-month period, not including any period of suspension. The fact that the board's judgment is being appealed shall have no affect on the determination that the violation has been continuing until such time as the judgment of the board is reversed.

    The licensee may affirmatively prove as a defense to an alleged violation of Chapter 6.54 that the licensee did not know, or through the exercise of due diligence could not have known that his/her employees' acts or an entertainer's acts would violate Chapter 6.54. If the licensee knew or should have known that his/her employees' acts or an entertainer's acts were violating any subsection of Chapter 6.54, the licensee may still affirmatively prove as a defense to the violation that the licensee was powerless to prevent the continuing unsafe or unsanitary condition.


    Continuous violations of Tennessee Code Annotated Section 57-4-204 or Metropolitan Code Section 7.24.030. Continuous violations shall mean that the licensee had more than two judgments entered against him/her for violating Tennessee Code Annotated Section 57-4-204 or Metropolitan Code Section 7.24.030 within a twenty-four month period, not including periods of suspension. The fact that the trial court's judgment is being appealed shall have no effect on the revocation until such time as the judgment of the trial court is reversed.


    The board shall either fine, suspend or fine and suspend a license for any of the following reasons, that are not sufficient grounds for revocation:


    The licensee fails to maintain the licensed premises in a sanitary or safe condition by allowing a violation of Chapter 6.54, Tennessee Code Annotated Section 57-4-204 or Metropolitan Code Section 7.24.030.

    The licensee may affirmatively prove as a defense to an alleged violation of Chapter 6.54, Tennessee Code Annotated Section 57-4-204 or Metropolitan Code Section 7.24.030 that he/she did not know, or through the exercise of due diligence could not have known of his/her employee's acts or omissions or an entertainer's act or omissions. If the licensee knew or should have known that his/her employee or an entertainer was violating any such subsection of Chapter 6.54, Tennessee Code Annotated Section 57-4-204 or Metropolitan Code Section 7.24.030, the licensee may still affirmatively prove as a defense to the alleged violation that he/she was powerless to prevent the unsafe or unsanitary condition.


    Upon the first violation of Chapter 6.54, Tennessee Code Annotated Section 57-4-204 or Metropolitan Code Section 7.24.030 within a twenty-four-month period, not including periods of suspensions, the licensee shall either be fined five hundred dollars or his/her license shall be suspended for a period no less than five days and no longer than thirty days or the licensee shall be both fined five hundred dollars and his or her license suspended for a period of not less than five days and no longer than thirty days.


    Upon the second violation of Chapter 6.54, Tennessee Code Annotated Section 57-4-204 or Metropolitan Code Section 7.24.030 within a twenty-four-month period, not including periods of suspensions, the license shall be suspended no less than thirty-one days and no longer than ninety days.

    A second violation of Chapter 6.54, shall mean a prior judgment from the board, unless the decision of the board is appealed and overturned, that the licensee violated Chapter 6.54 within a twenty-four-month period, not including any period of suspension. The fact that the board's judgment is being appealed shall have no affect on the determination that the violation occurred previously until such time as the judgment of the board is reversed.

    A second violation of Tennessee Code Annotated Section 57-4-204 or Metropolitan Code Section 7.24.030 shall mean a judgment from a trial court that the license violated Tennessee Code Annotated Section 57-4-204 or Metropolitan Code Section 7.24.030. The fact that a trial court's judgment is being appealed shall have no affect on the suspension and the judgment shall be treated as a violation until such time as the judgment of the trial court is reversed.


    The board shall revoke a permit for any of the following reasons:


    Discovery that false or misleading information or data was given on any application, or material facts were omitted from any application. False or misleading information does not include information which the applicant reasonably believed, after exercising due diligence, was correct at the time of the application;


    The permittee has become ineligible to obtain a permit under Section 6.54.080A;


    Any cost or fee required to be paid by this chapter is not paid;


    The permittee provides sexually oriented entertainment on the premises of an operator who he/she knows, or with the exercise of due diligence should have known, does not have a license;


    The permittee knowingly, or with the exercise of due diligence should have known that he/she, sells, furnishes, gives, displays, or causes to be sold, furnished, given or displayed to any minor any sexually oriented entertainment or sexually oriented material on the premises;


    The permittee knowingly denies, or through the exercise of due diligence should have known that he/she was denying, access to law enforcement personnel during business hours to any portion of the licensed premises wherein sexually oriented entertainment is permitted or to any portion of the licensed premises wherein sexually oriented material is displayed or sold;


    The permittee attempted to transfer his/her permit or any interest in his/her permit to someone else;


    The application for a permit or the application for the renewal of a permit was denied and that administrative denial was appealed and upheld by a court after adjudication on the merits;


    The permittee repeatedly fails to comply with the provisions of Chapter 6.54. Repeatedly fails to comply shall mean that the permittee has been found by the board to have violated Chapter 6.54 more than twice within a period of twenty-four months, not including any period of suspension. The fact that the board's judgment is being appealed shall have no affect on the determination that the permittee has repeatedly failed to comply until such time as the judgment of the board is reversed.


    The board shall suspend a permit for any of the following reasons that are not grounds for revocation:


    The permittee violates Chapter 6.54, Tennessee Code Annotated Section 57-4-204 or Metropolitan Code Section 7.24.030.


    Upon the first violation of Chapter 6.54, Tennessee Code Annotated Section 57-4-204 or Metropolitan Code Section 7.24.030 within a twenty-four-month period, not including periods of suspensions, the permittee shall either be fined five hundred dollars or his or her permit shall be suspended for a period no less than five days and no longer than thirty days or the permittee shall be both fined five hundred dollars and his or her permit suspended for a period of no less than five days and no longer than thirty days.

    Upon the second violation of Chapter 6.54, Tennessee Code Annotated Section 57-4-204 or Metropolitan Code Section 7.24.030 within a twenty-four-month period, not including periods of suspensions, the permit shall be suspended no less than thirty-one days and no longer than ninety days.


    The board shall follow the following procedure for revoking or suspending a license or a permit.


    Before revoking or suspending any license or permit the board shall give the operator or entertainer five days' written notice of the alleged violation(s) against him/her. In such cases the charges shall be specific and in writing except under Section 6.54.150(A)(7), (8) and Section 6.54.150(C)(7), (8) of this chapter.


    The board shall hear all the evidence pertaining to the revocation or suspension at the next regular meeting. The next meeting shall be held no later than fifteen days after the notice described above is mailed. The licensee/permittee may present evidence bearing upon the question of suspension/revocation.


    If the licensee/permittee fails to appear at the hearing before the board he/she will have waived the right to present evidence to the board on the citation. Failing to appear before the board will not preclude the licensee's/permittee's right to appeal any revocation/suspension to the chancery court of Davidson County.


    If the licensee/permittee requests a hearing, the license/permit shall remain in effect and valid during the appeal to the board until such time as the hearing is held.


    Any adverse administrative decision to suspend or revoke a license/permit that is appealed to the circuit or chancery courts of Davidson County shall not take effect until that administrative decision has been upheld by the court after adjudication on the merits. Adverse decisions of the board which are not appealed shall not take effect for sixty days from the date of the decision to allow the affected party time to seek judicial review.


    The revocation/suspension of a license/permit may be appealed to the circuit or chancery courts of Davidson County by the licensee/permittee. The metropolitan department of law may initiate proceedings for a declaratory judgment in the circuit or chancery court for Davidson County. If the permittee/licensee chooses to appeal by filing a petition for a writ of certiorari, then the metropolitan government shall file the record of all proceedings with the court within seven days from the grant of the writ of certiorari.


    Any operator or entertainer whose license or permit is revoked shall not be eligible to receive a license or permit for one year from the date of revocation.

(Amdt. 1 §§ 11-13 with Ord. 99-1503 § 88, 1999)