§ 6.60.030. Construction, facilities and operation.  

Latest version.
  • In the issuance of any permit under this chapter, the following requirements in plant construction, facilities and operation shall be observed:


    Floors. All floors or processing and storage rooms shall be constructed of smooth concrete or other material of equal or less porosity. The surface shall be free of cracks, holes or raised surfaces and graded to provide sufficient drainage to a common drain, and shall be maintained in a sanitary condition and state of good repair.


    Walls, Partitions and Ceilings. Ceilings, partitions and posts shall be of cleanable construction, and shall be cleaned and kept in a sanitary condition.


    Doors and Windows. Openings into all plant rooms shall be effectively protected against the entrance of rodents, insects and other vermin.


    Lighting and Ventilation. Rendering plants shall be well lighted and adequately ventilated. Lighting in plants shall be sufficient to provide not less than twenty footcandles on all working surfaces and working areas. Where necessary, adequate ventilation shall be provided.


    Plumbing. There shall be an efficient drainage and plumbing system for the rendering plant and premises. All plumbing shall be installed in compliance with the metropolitan plumbing code.


    Waste Disposal. The sewage system shall be adequate and have capacity to readily remove all wastes in an approved manner so that health hazards or nuisances will be prevented.


    Water Supply—Generally. The water supply shall be ample, clean and potable, with adequate pressure, but not less than forty pounds per square inch, and there shall be adequate facilities for distributing the water and for protecting the water supply against contamination and pollution. Hose connections with steam and water mixing valves or hot water hose connections shall be provided at convenient locations throughout the plant for cleaning purposes, and the temperature of the hot water shall be maintained at not less than one hundred eighty degrees Fahrenheit.


    Water Supply—Nonpotable Water. Nonpotable water is permitted only in those parts of the plant where no product is handled or prepared, and then only for limited purposes, such as on condensers not connected with the potable water supply, in vapor lines serving inedible products and rendering tanks. Nonpotable water lines shall be clearly identified and shall not be cross-connected with potable water supply lines.


    Toilet and Lavatory Facilities.


    Water closets conveniently located shall be provided for each sex according to the following table, based on the maximum number of persons of that sex employed at any one time:

    of Persons
    Minimum Number
    of Facilities
     1—9 1
    10—24 2
    25—49 3
    50—74 4
    75—100 5
    Over 100 1 for each additional 30 persons



    Wherever urinals are provided, a maximum of one-third of the number of facilities specified in the preceding table may be replaced by an equal number of urinals. Two feet of porcelain enamel urinal may be considered equivalent to one urinal facility.


    Handwashing facilities shall be provided in or near the employee toilet and dressing rooms. Lavatories shall be supplied with hot and cold water under pressure. Soap or other detergents dispensed through an approved dispenser, and sanitary means for drying hands shall be located in or near employee toilet and dressing rooms.


    The use of a common towel is prohibited.


    At least one lavatory shall be provided for each twenty employees up to one hundred employees, and one for each twenty-five employees above one hundred employees.

(Prior code § 20-1-204)