§ 6.64.020. Definitions.  

Latest version.
  • The following words, terms and phrases, when used in this chapter, shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this section:

    "Applicant" means any person or entity who has submitted an application for a permit.

    "Area of metropolitan government" means and includes the total area of Davidson County, as defined in Section 1.02 of the Metropolitan Charter.

    "Charitable organization" means a group which is or holds itself out to be a benevolent, patriotic, philanthropic, political, social service, welfare, eleemosynary, civic, or fraternal organization who sells goods, wares, merchandise, or services, or solicits or obtains contributions soliciting from the public, for charitable purposes.

    "Charitable purpose" means any purpose which is benevolent, patriotic, political, philanthropic, social service, welfare, eleemosynary, civic, environmental, or fraternal.

    "Clerk" means the metropolitan clerk of the metropolitan government, or the clerk's designee.

    "Commercial solicitor" means any person, whether as volunteer, owner, agent, consignee or employee, who engages in door-to-door commercial solicitation.

    "Door-to-door commercial solicitation" means attempting to make personal contact with a resident at his or her residence, without prior specific invitation by or appointment with the resident, for the primary purpose of:


    Attempting to sell, for present or future delivery, any goods, wares or merchandise, other than newspaper or magazine subscriptions, or any services to be performed immediately or in the future, whether or not the person has, carries or exposes a sample of such goods, wares or merchandise, and whether or not he or she is collecting advance payments for such sales; or


    Personally delivering to the resident a handbill or flyer advertising a commercial event, activity, good or service that is offered to the resident for purchase at a location away from the residence or at a future time.

    "Employer" means any person, company, corporation, business, partnership, organization or any other entity on behalf of whom a person is acting.

    "Metropolitan government" means the Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County.

    "No-solicitation" list means a list of the addresses of residents within the area of the metropolitan government who have requested that their residences be placed on a list maintained and published by the clerk for the purpose of informing the general public and prospective solicitors that all door-to-door commercial solicitation at such addresses is prohibited.

    "Permit" means a document issued by the clerk authorizing a commercial solicitor to engage in door-to-door commercial solicitation.

    "Permit holder" means any person to whom a permit has been issued under the provisions of this chapter.

    "Person" means a natural person or business entity, such as, without limitation, a corporation, association, firm, joint venture, estate, trust, business trust, syndicate, fiduciary, partnership or any group or combination thereof.

    "Residence" means a private residence within the area of the metropolitan government, including but not limited to, single and two-family dwellings, condominium units, and apartments, including the yards, grounds or hallways thereof.

(Ord. BL2016-384 § 3, 2016; Ord. BL2012-283 § 1, 2013)