§ 6.72.080. Transfers—Fee.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    No certificate of public convenience and necessity may be sold, leased, assigned, mortgaged or otherwise transferred, nor may there be any modification of ownership as to stock, new or additional partners, etc., by a holder of a certificate of public convenience and necessity without the prior consent of the metropolitan transportation licensing commission. An application for a transfer shall be filed with the metropolitan transportation licensing commission upon forms provided by the metropolitan government and upon the payment of a nonrefundable fee, in an amount to be established by the commission based upon the cost of processing the application by the transferee of a certificate or stock in a company holding a certificate, or any new partner in a business holding a certificate.


    An applicant for the transfer of a certificate will be ineligible for consideration if:


    Any of the partners, officers or directors are under twenty-one years of age and/or the taxicab business has no separate legal existence beyond a shareholder, owner, or partner who is under the age of eighteen years of age;


    Any of the owners, partners, officers or directors have been convicted of, or had a bond forfeited, or pleaded guilty or nolo contendere to a felony or any crime involving moral turpitude, or offense involving a controlled substance, prostitution, assignation, obscenity, or any crime of a sexual nature in any jurisdiction within the five years immediately preceding the date of application.


    Any of the owners, partners, officers or directors have violated any portion of this chapter within the five years immediately preceding the date of application.


    Any portion of the application is incomplete or contains incorrect or untruthful information.


    Upon the filing of an application to transfer a certificate of public convenience and necessity, the metropolitan transportation licensing commission shall fix a time and place for a public hearing on the application.

(Ord. BL2000-325 § 1 (part), 2000)