§ 6.74.080. Transfers—Fee.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    No certificate may be sold, assigned, mortgaged or otherwise transferred, nor may there be any modification of ownership as to stock transfer, new or additional partners, etc., by a holder of a certificate without the consent of the MTLC, which shall not be unreasonably withheld. An application for a transfer shall be filed with the MTLC director upon the payment of a nonrefundable fee in an amount to be established by the MTLC based upon the cost of processing the application and of the administration and enforcement of this part.


    Upon the filing of an application to transfer a certificate, the MTLC shall fix a time and place for a hearing on the application.


    If the applicant meets the requirements for a certificate, the application may be approved.

(Ord. BL2014-952 § 1, 2014)