§ 6.76.220. Licensed weigher—Appointment—Bond and certificate.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    Upon nomination by the dealer, the sealer of weights and measures shall have the power to appoint such persons as he deems necessary and proper to effectively carry out the provisions of this chapter and Chapter 6.68 to act as licensed weighers. The appointees shall, prior to their appointment, fill out and file an application for appointment as such and, before assuming the obligations of the office of licensed weigher, execute and deliver to the metropolitan government a bond in the penal sum of one thousand dollars for the faithful performance of their duties as such licensed weighers, upon forms prepared and approved by the department of law of the metropolitan government. Such bond shall be signed by the dealer employing such licensed weigher.


    The bond shall guarantee the faithful performance of the licensed weigher's duties. Incorrect weights shall be considered a violation of the obligation of the bond, and the violator shall also be subject to having his certificate revoked for not less than six months.


    The sealer of weights and measures shall issue to each licensed weigher a certificate upon his having qualified, stating the name and location of the dealer's place of business.

(Prior code § 42-1-20)